Iontophoresis Problems


New member
Hello! I just stumbled upon this Forum site and I think it's great to see how many people are helping out others.
So i've been doing Iontophoresis for about 3 weeks in total now with 18v 30 minutes in total(15 minutes for non-reversed polarity and 15 minutes for reversed polarity). My palms are dry as ever and i'm extremely grateful for that. My fingertips are still a little clammy but not as bad as it used to be. Recently i've been noticing the area above my nails (Cuticle Area) has begun to start sweating again, not a lot, but still enough to be noticed by other people and I still have to wipe it. I put Aquaphor in that area and try to keep that area out of the water when doing the procedure because it stings. My question is why is it starting to sweat in that area again? If I were to put that area in the water with the Aquaphor would it still receive the shock treatment or does the aquaphor prevent that? Should I Stop putting the Aquaphor? Thanks people i really appreciate whatever help you offer!


Well-known member
Fingertips can take several months before they remain completely dry. Use vaseline on the areas that sting during treatment.