iontophoresis CS


hey there i am new to this site and decided to join so i could speak with and hopefully learn from other people who are going through the same thing as me. i suffer from sweaty hands/feet mainly, although i have had sweaty arm pits which i have managed to control. what i wanted to ask is if anyone who has used iontophoresis has expierinced compensatory sweating? such as on the back/chest/face? the reason i ask is i started the treatment using a home made device which some of you maybe aware of on youtube. the treatment did seem to be helping reduce my hand sweating but the problem i noticed was when faced with situations that would normally leave my hands sweating i would instead begin to sweat from my chest/back and in some situations my face which i have found to be very uncomfortable. i think this treatment has been as close as i have got to getting dry hands but having the sweat move to other more noticable parts kinda defeats things a bit for me and leaves me feeling really helpless. sorry for going on a bit its just the most frustrating feeling in the world


Well-known member
I think I have notice compensatory sweating in the arm pits. Then again, how do I know for sure since I've been doing ionto for 5+ years. It's highly probable that our HH treated in one area will just move to another.


Active member
Same as Sprawling, I've been doing Ionto for almost ten years, I also feel that I started to sweat more on other parts but I also think that the sweat has moved to other places or something like that.


Well-known member
my compensatory sweating is obvious when I do hand treatments. My palms would stop sweating and sweating on the armpits and feet would decrease a great amount BUT I'd drip from my face, neck, chest, back, groin area, and legs. There's just no solution, so I stopped ionto.


Well-known member
I don't mind the compensatory sweating as long as my hands remain dry. Lately I have even been able to wear sandals which is rare in the summer. The rest of the body sweats everywhere while spending time in the Las Vegas heat. They say it's dry heat here. Why can't I just sweat DRY sweat? Gotta love that groin sweating also. It's like the body sprung a leak. I guess it keeps us cool.


Well-known member
my compensatory sweating is obvious when I do hand treatments. My palms would stop sweating and sweating on the armpits and feet would decrease a great amount BUT I'd drip from my face, neck, chest, back, groin area, and legs. There's just no solution, so I stopped ionto.

Hey Rexus.....are you sure the iontos responsible. Ive been doing it for almost 2 years now and Ive noticed an increase in my facial sweat. I never had a problem at the barbers, but lately Ive noticed a heck of a lot of sweat. Im just wondering.