Ionto Results


Active member
So I just started Ionto today with my rental unit. I did 20 minutes each side at around 15 amps. The guide that came with my machine said to do treatments every 2-3 days. How often does everyone do treatments and how long before I see an improvement? I'm really hoping this works so wish me luck...


Active member
Iontophoresis is a machine that helps decrease palmar and planter hyperhidrosis which is excessive sweating in the hands and feet...


Well-known member
seems like most people do treatments every day for about 30 minutes untill the sweating stops. Then a maintenance treatment 2 or 3 days a week. I'm waiting for parts to make a homemade ionto machine and i plan to do 30 minute treatments twice a day, then 2 day maintenance treatments on mondays and fridays.


Active member
Sorry to say, but the guide might be a little misleading. You should do the treatments every day until sweating stops completely. Then you can do it every 2-3 for maintenance.

It took me about 2 weeks of daily treatments at 30 minutes/day to stop it. Now it's twice a week for me.


Active member
thanks for the reply's... that's what I thought most people did were treatments everyday at first but the guide said overuse could result in blisters... and to only do treatments ever 2-3 days... I'm using the MA Fischer device, and I don't want to end up with blisters! Do you really still have to do maintainence treatments still 2-3 a week I thought some people only did them like one a week or once everyother week, I guess it just varies person to person! Thanks for all the advice though I think I start doing them daily..


Well-known member
ya do them daily while watching a movie or something. time flies and you won't notice. And as suggested, daily treatments till sweat cessates then around 2 sessions a week to maintain it.

Soy Sauce

Well-known member
I've been using the Drionic unit (one of the cheaper type of Ionto units) for over a year and a half with success. I pretty much stuck with the 30 min a day routine, till the sweating stops, although sometimes i would stop treatments after several hours worth of treatments and then stop because I was too lazy or didnt have time and after several days (sometimes after 5 days) after my last treatment, my hands would all of a sudden stop sweating. I don't know why, but sometimes it happens that way.

Also, I've never really done maintenence treatments. I basically don't start the treatments again until the sweating starts to come back pretty noticeably. I do this mainly because I'm lazy lol. Sometimes my hands will go for a couple months before sweating starts coming back, sometimes it starts to come back after only a few weeks.

I'm also abit worried that doing treatments too often might reduce the effectiveness of Iontophoresis, which is another reason why I wait long periods before starting my treatments again.


Active member
Thanks for all the replies! So my hands have been completely dry for the last 2 days but I've been stuck in the house due to all the snow we've got. How does everyone's hand hold up during stressful events, do they get damp, wet or stay dry?


Active member
When I get stressed my hands still don't sweat, but they can sometimes get warm and a little uncomfortable. Like they really want to sweat but can't. But the nice thing about not having sweaty palms is that you feel less stressed about everything in general.

Grats on getting dryness by the way. :)