invitation to all HH sufferers


it is indeed complex and puzzling the effects of different remedies for treating hyperhidrosis; one method is effective to one person but not so with others, and vice versa. For me, both botox and iontophoresis (which i both tried) are not really satisfying. and i am not encouraging you to undergo surgery..

nevertheless, we should have a positive outlook whatever the outcome is. we should always look at the brighter side on whatever God has given to us..

I would like to invite all HH sufferers to my new weblog HYPERHIDROSIS ENLIGHTENMENT FORUM. This is a virtual community for sweaty individuals like us, aiming for a location-specific circle of HH friends. Below is the excerpt of the homepage:

"And this blog is what it is all about. That is, forming our circle of friends RIGHT HERE in this site. I purposely created this as a virtual support group in a worldwide range so that even the clammiest person in the remotest part of the world can partake in this relieving endeavor."

You can post your comments as you like and find your fellow HH friends on the location-specific page where are coming from.

I am looking forward to meet all you there and open yourself to the relief and strength this world offers. "We have so much to discover and share."

i'm knowell from philippines and with a palmo-plantar HH.
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Well-known member
I agree.
Alvine, I did go to your blog page and was a little confused as to why we need something separate than what we have here?


@ sprawling: thanks for your reply.

first of all, we are not here to perceive separation or argue on which site or page; we are here to focus on the goal and have relief and fun on it.

as i mentioned, EHSociety is a location-specific weblog for HH sufferers. there is nothing more relieving to find and befriend somebody with similar condition on your own backyard.
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Well-known member
Profound. Welcome to our HH club. Kick back, enjoy our sweaty existence. It's these type of boards that have helped me with my hh. I'm able to accept my past, my failures, accomplishments and best of all is that I can now talk freely with anyone I meet about my HH. These boards are our community, our hope and sometimes our salvation.