Intrusive thoughts just got triggered.


Well-known member
Hey, I have been having a pretty good time thing I noticed is that my Pure O has gotten to a point where I only get the anxiety through triggers, but before that as far as I know I used to conjour up my own anxiety.

Anyways, I was just reading a news report (via the internet home page) about a serial killer....I wont go into detail but basically my anxiety sky rocketed.. It's better now but im still nervous, back to my old thinking that im going to be one.

Now, I know that the fact I have such anxiety means I would never do it but it doesn't seem to help that much. Just then I thought how ilogical my thoughts where, then when the anxiety came back, they seemed so real and logical, I keep doubting I have OCD aswell....

Is all this normal?


i can totally relate to you. Sometimes it seems like my pure O triggers when i realize how happy i am or what a good time i am having then its like my brain "reminds" me that i should be worrying about things and not being happy.

its totally normal. its the life of having OCD. Just try your hardest to remind yourself that your thoughts are totally irrational, there is evidence proving you would never harm anyone yet your mind tries to convince you otherwise. If you were going to harm someone, you wouldnt be posting on a forum asking for help or recognizing that these thoughts are irrational in the first place! Just like I need to trust test results, believe the science that i am not sick and dying.


Well-known member
Same thing with me. Triggers make me anxious now, it's not constant. But I've gotten better at calming myself. I too get the feeling when I'm really happy I feel like I should be worrying. I guess I just have to practice being happy so it feels natural.


Well-known member
I can definitely relate too. My intrusive thoughts have a few triggers that I try to avoid. If I were to have read that article I'd likely be having them now too! Also, sometimes I watch those stupid Cold Case shows and then I'm a bundle of paranoia and thoughts that I don't want to be having for the rest of the day.