Internet/porn dependency?


Well-known member
I was addicted to pornography and masturbation on the internet for 5 years and then when I get a girlfriend suddenly I have no urge to use/do it, despite the fact that we're not sexually active. Was I really that deprived of social contact? Yes.

Of course I still can't get off the internet. Everything seems boring when I'm not on it and I just get bad anxiety thinking about not being on it. My eyesight is getting bad because it's all I do, but I can't stop. Anyone else have similar problems?


Well-known member
Internet masturbation. Now there's an idea!

While I have yet to develop an addiction to pornography, the internet is probably the biggest catalyst in my social life. And really all I do is post poor attempts at humor on this site. Otherwise I avoid people almost as well as I do in real life.

I was addicted to pornography and masturbation on the internet for 5 years and then when I get a girlfriend suddenly I have no urge to use/do it, despite the fact that we're not sexually active. Was I really that deprived of social contact? Yes.

well surely thats a good thing !! you use porn for 5 yrs then give it up cos you have the real deal ...thats good !!

people get addicted to the internet and when that is your circle and your past time and your evenings etc etc then it stands to reason that without it you will feel a little anxiety ...but you just have to get a grip and start switching it off , just a little a day and slowly break the cycle of dependency .


You know, i kinda like the fact that porn didn't say to me: 'You don't talk' or 'You're so quiet.'

Women who say this garbage can really infuriate me, but

this kind of activity is a tragedy if it becomes the sole highlight of your day.

Especially if you're a teenager this habit can start to own you.

Come to think of it, before i had a girlfriend I'd throw my computer out the window just for one day going out with a girl. In the end it just doesn't compare...


Well-known member
I'm in the same situation. I have 2 friends. I use porn a lot because of my lack of being around females and no girlfriend. When she somes into my life,I will quit the porn. Jesushasomeoneforme amen.


New member
my partner spent most of his teenage life online and addicted to porn, he has stopped now he moved in with me, as i found it a little offesive and .. well we only have alittle space, so not much alone time, nor much internet bandwidth, lol... though he found it difficult to begin with, he is well and truely over it and is happy... it can be done :)


I was addicted to pornography and masturbation on the internet for 5 years and then when I get a girlfriend suddenly I have no urge to use/do it, despite the fact that we're not sexually active. Was I really that deprived of social contact? Yes.

Of course I still can't get off the internet. Everything seems boring when I'm not on it and I just get bad anxiety thinking about not being on it. My eyesight is getting bad because it's all I do, but I can't stop. Anyone else have similar problems?

i can relate to some


Well-known member
I'm in the same situation. I have 2 friends. I use porn a lot because of my lack of being around females and no girlfriend. When she somes into my life,I will quit the porn. Jesushasomeoneforme amen.

No offense, but if you want a girlfriend, you have to get yourself out there and meet girls. Jesus isn't there to give us girlfriends out of nowhere, but to serve as a role model for us. If your anxiety is very severe, you're not ready for at girlfriend until it has improved.


No offense but if getting a girlfriend suddenly stops your use of porn than it was probably not an actual porn addiction. Men addicted to that stuff actually prefer porn instead of a healthy sexual relationship with a female. What a lot of you guys are most likely experiencing is a normal yet unfulfilled sex drive.
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One thing for sure that you can do is to give your eyes a break from the computer every half an hour or so... You can do this either through self-discipline or some people also try drinking a glass of plain water as they surf the net... naturally you'll need to use the washroom pretty soon.


Well-known member
No offense but if getting a girlfriend suddenly stops your use of porn than it was probably not an actual porn addiction. Men addicted to that stuff actually prefer porn instead of a healthy sexual relationship with a female.

I agree, I think that's what the experts say about this as well.