Am i holding that contest? That's news to me, well i had better get myself organised then.
No i am afraid your day old fart was not enough to knock this gal out black_mamba. Alright now it's my turn - turns to the crowd and releases forth a sound resembling a deflating balloon - after a few seconds the crowd gets wind of the smell - pun intended - as it begins to adulterate their nostrils in the most foulest of ways. Hehehehehehehehehe - redlady takes sadistic delight at the scene. :twisted:
And the winner of the farting round is the dog - standing next to McShy.
All hail the dog - the crowd chants in unison - dog dog dog dog dog dog dog..................................
8O OH MY GOD 8O We had a celebrity in our midst - Jumps up and down ala those sixties chicks suffering from Beatle mania - Walter, Walter, Walter........................
:mrgreen: You savagely devilish woman - i would never eat dog - chomp, chew, chew, gulp - never you hear me. Now i have to go and see my friend McShy - 'Hello big red, so where do you want to go for lunch - Um... burp.. sniff sniff - i see you have already eaten, what's that dog? Ahhhh. :roll:
it is a nice day for snot flicking i think.
actualy i just flicked some across the room and it landed on my scottish terrier. he doesent seem to mind. he is about a metre away... not bad. hay black mamba it seems you have been practicing. :wink:
Nay i say. Well that privelege is up to you seeing that you are the official judge or whatever of the games. So get judging you omnipotent glorious judge you.
Hey man where is your infantile spirit ?? Don't tell me you don't have one - imagine all the witty crap you could come up with - you are sure to win. Oh wait better yet don't - you are having the judges baby after all...too much of an unfair advantage.