

i need some inspiration! tell me times that you've faced your fears, no matter the outcome!


Well-known member
I'm just going to list the two biggest things I've done dispite my SA for me. (sorry this is extreamly long)

First, when I got to college I had no way of meeting people and was extreamly bored and a bit depressed and this combo can make force myself to endure my fears sometiimes. Anyway, I decided to rush for a sorority. This means 4 nights in a row where girls grill you on things you did in highschool, why you want to join a sorority, ect. and you know for sure they are judging you (unlike most social situations where its possible people are judging but you don't know for sure). The are judging you on you style, your beauty, what you say, what you did in highschool, wether or not they think you are cool, and other things. Most the time you are in one on one conversations w/ the girls already in the sorority (which is one of my worst fears w/SA). Since I didn't know anyone at the uni. I had to walk up to the events myself which made it harder But I went everynight, despite the fact I felt like I was going to die from the anxiety. I was for sure that I stuck out as a loser and geek b/c I had no friends, had trouble finding things to say (I was really quiet as usuall), didn't dress in name brand or very cute clothes (the first out fit I wore especially made me feel like it alone would keep me from ever getting into a sorority), and I had really good grade in high school. After the third night you have to get invitations to the sororities to go back on the 4th night and I felt that I'd be lucky to be invited back to one and there was no way I'd get invited back to all of them, but I did and now I'm in a sorority and don't regret going through w/it at all.

The next thing I had more anxiety in and was harder for me than the first. Being in a sorority you are supposed to help in rush so one year after I joined I was now one the other side. This ment I was now responsible for ensuring that the conversation b/w me and the potiential new girls doesn't stop, and that I had to make the girls like the sorority, without breaking the recruitment rules. I also had to decide wether the girls I talked to would fit in the sorority. I was so afraid of running out of things to talk about (and I did many times), making the sorority look bad b/c I'm still pretty much a boring loser, not being a good judge of who would fit in the sorority and therefore disappoint my sisters, doing something wrong, ect. but I made it through the week despite the fact I felt like I was going to die from anxiety and actually did better than I thought I was going to. On the most important night of rush the 2 girls I talked to one on one that night decided to join our sorority and most of my sister had not a single one of the girls they talked to join or just one, in fact I might had been the only one who had both girls join :D . I'm never going to do rush again though b/c it's just to much to haddle w/out meds.

Unfurtunately though, for me exposure doesn't work, so my SA has actually worsened since I've entered college.


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I met an online friend for the first time in Poland at Easter. I have also been to another foreign country alone in 2005. Travelling alone does not bother me.


Well-known member
Last year I thought "What the heck have I got to lose" and wen't off to summer camp by myself...ok so I didn't have the most amazing time ever, but I was proud that I made myself do it and made steps towards fighting my SA.
It reminded me that I can still make friends with people I don't know, and that people don't always form negative opinions about you straight away. :)


Well-known member
I swallowed all my fears when I asked my first girlfriend out! It ended a little sour...but still I did it!! And now I am working on improving my lady skills (which I had all but given up before her).