insomnia caused by BACK PROBLEMS


I feel like committing suicide because there's not one thing a doctor can do about it, and nobody I know takes it seriously, or they all think it's just "stress" related.
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Well-known member
How many chiropractors, orthopedists have you seen so far?

And if you want to commit suicide, then you are stressed. There's a lot of people with back problems who never consider suicide.
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What kinda back problems? Think about taking a bath, or a light swim on a pool, sit in a jacuzzi etc. All this helps my back when it gets tense, maybe it can help you out.


Staff member
I got paracetamol and coedine for the pain and valium 5mg for a muscle relaxant (and help sleep) I had a ruptured disc in my neck though and was still in agony, I actually found canabis a better pain killer though I don't condone its use of course ;)

eventually had an op on the disc

So stop whining No.1 and go see the doc


Active member
Actually, i took cataflam 15mg for my back muscle relaxation. Agreed, canabis are considered as better pain killer. :) Same here, my shoulder blade is kinda dislocated.


There are stronger pain killers out there that can help like Hydromorphone and Oxycodone. My suggestion is if you are in chronic pain that you get refered to a pain clinic. At pain clinics they treat you with respect and not like a junkie.


I dont know. maybe a massage therapist might help.

I just hate it that in he meantime while I wait I can't sleep and all my priorities have been held back and it's ruined my life so far that I just feel like giving up.


Active member
If you think a massage might help, try stretching your back properly. If you don't know how, google it. If it hurts a lot, stop immediately.

If it's just the muscles, put on an ice bag/bag of peas/something cold on that area for 20 minutes multiple times a day.

And if those help there's probably some kind of inflammation going on, so take some otc-painkillers 2 times a day for 5 days or so (preferably ibuprofen since it's an anti-inflammatory painkiller).


Well-known member
I have a massive back ache for many, many years now. And my back feels very weak and stiff. It has caused me to not pursue many things which others do. It has been devastating. But I don't take ANY painkillers because I am glad to have met Doctors here who don't primarily focus on painkillers (a dying breed, no doubt influenced by short term commercial gains instead of holistic treatment). Instead they focus on physiotherapy based exercises. When I do those exercises regularly, it helps, but in my apathy and laziness I soon become irregular with them and I suffer.

But with my indiscipline towards exercising, and not taking any painkillers, I have endured chronic suffering for years on end.


Well-known member
hey i had back problems for a long time, mine was caused from sitting in front of the pc all day (i'm not saying that's what your problem is) anyway i started exercising and the pain actually went away it didn't get worse like i thought it would.

btw.. I only felt the pain when i tried to sleep