Inferiority Complex

I almost always feel inferior to most people. Is it something those of us with social phobia all suffer from? I know we all share the fear of not being accepted or embarrassing ourselves, but I am not sure if every person with social phobia actually feels inferior to others. Like, I often feel I'm not good enough for people, or not that I'm not really good enough, but that they won't think I'm good enough. Catch my drift?


Well-known member
Story of my life. This goes with the idea of having low self esteem and almost no confidence. It's also having a fear of rejection. These all make a person feel inferior to most others which makes that social phobic person more reclusive.

I understand how this feels, but there are times when I do not feel inferior to others. It confuses me because how can I feel superior at one point and then feel inferior. It's almost as if those two beliefs exist simultaneously. How is this possible? It confuses the shit out of me.

On the opposite side if you went into a room "believing" you were better than everyone there, you wouldn't be afraid to speak your mind and act more natural, making things go more smoothly (not meant in an egotistic way though). There are only a few people who I have this feeling around, thus I am more comfortable around them and am not afraid to say things or make suggestions.

There are people whom I feel superior to and those whom I feel inferior to. I notice that I also have an easier time making suggestions or speaking my mind with those whom I feel are my equals or "lesser" (not meant in an egotistical way), but I shut down and feel intimidated by those who I feel are superior to myself. I just wish that I didn't have to percieve myself and others in terms of superior or inferior. This really irritates me.
I'm not sure about myself... I don't think I have a complex when it comes to my talents and abilities, but I feel inferior to people just in terms of relating to them/socializing. I think that I have healthy self-esteem (when it comes to my capabilities outside of socializing), but it seems that I don't feel like people will like me and won't want to talk to me anyway, so I don't try unless they make the effort first.
I understand how this feels, but there are times when I do not feel inferior to others. It confuses me because how can I feel superior at one point and then feel inferior. It's almost as if those two beliefs exist simultaneously. How is this possible? It confuses the shit out of me.

Same's really strange. There are times when I don't feel inferior, I guess it just depends on with whom I am comparing myself.


Inferiority & Superiority are all but an illusion from ego. We're all equal, no different. “When the sun rises, it rises for everyone.” -proverb


Well-known member
I found myself feeling inferior A LOT last year. I would often feel inferior when it came to class critiques on projects and/or papers, because I always feel as if my fellow classmates are being condescending towards me. I'm dreading any critiques that happen this year.


I don't like to think of anyone as inferior to me - that's bringing me down to the level of the "superior" people who belittle those they believe to be superior to, and the last thing I want to do is become like that.


Well-known member
Lol.. I know what you mean. I wanted to say that. But I didn't know how to explain it without sounding confused. It's sorta like a woman who purposely hangs around un-attractive women to feel good about herself. It's not real. The only time she feels comfortable in her own skin is when she feels there is no competition. In reality, she's insecure and has very low self-esteem. And it's kinda the same way with me. I intentionally try to look for people who I think I am smarter than or prettier than just so I can say to myself, "At least I'm better than him or her". I know that's pathetic. But I feel like I need some way to feel good about myself, even if it is at the expense of others. I don't act any differently toward them. I just think it in my head.

Well, at least you admit that you hang out with women you consider less attractive than yourself. You're not in denial and you don't mistreat people as a result of this. I don't think you are pathetic and you shouldn't see yourself as pathetic either.
I don't have much problem being around very beautiful women because I've been sorrounded by them ever since I was a child. My mom, relatives and friends just happened to be very beautiful. Most of my friends were much prettier than me and got all the attention so I got used to it although it did sometimes make me feel bad if guys only paid attention to them. Eventually, I wanted to be around prettier women so that no one would pay me attention. When it comes to my looks my philosophy is: there is always going to be someone who is prettier or less pretty than me and this is something I have to accept. At the same time, the idea of beauty is subjective so what is attractive to one may not be attractive to another. So you may not see yourself as more beautiful than another person but someone else might think so. One thing that some pretty women forget is that they are not the only beautiful women in the world and there is no reason to get upset or feel threatend by a woman who may be more attractive. Also, comparing oneself to another person is a detrimental unless one can handle it. Comparisons can really be bad for someone's self-image.


Well-known member
I have an inferiority complex when comparing me to the guys which use Facebook (I deleted my account 1 year ago). I kinda feel they have more advantage in flirting or contacting the girls. Not that I want to use FB again though.

Also I admit, sometimes I google for the girls I found nice when at the university. And when I see their friends and handsome guys I say to myself, I do not deserve her, ah, this is probably her boyfriend, why bother.

Speaking in football terms, its like being a minnow (San Marinese/Andorran...) football club having to pass 10+ preliminary rounds to reach the Champions league :rolleyes:
I always feel stupid and uncomfortable when with other people and immediately assume (subconsciusly) that they won't be interested in me and in what I do. When I have a conversation for example it's ok until I have to speak about other people or facts, but when I have to reveal information about me (even the most basic "what did you do yesterday?") I just freeze. When I have to call people on the telephone, even if they are my friends, I always think they will be doing something so much better than me in that moment so I hesitate a lot.
Low self esteem and inferiority complex are a huge problem in my case :(
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