in a uk court


court proceedings

I have a question if anyone can answer this, and experienced it.
when in court and your sentenced to go to prison in the uk, does anyone know the procedure after sentence has been passed ?
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Well-known member
Re: court proceedings

You must have your reasons but why anybody would want to go to prison voluntarily is beyond me :confused:


Well-known member
Re: court proceedings

I have a question if anyone can answer this, If in court or before court, is it possible you could write a short letter for the judge/court, asking that you'd be sent to prison if its what you wanted ?
Can you ask your solicitor/the person representing you, if you could be sent down, to do your punishment head on!
instead of community service and/or a fine ?

LOL! Social Phobics are really spiritual people, take all our money, send us to prison, take everything from us, just please LEAVE US ALONE!

My father used to give money to me when I was a kid, and after 6 months I haven't spend a cent. And he said: "What's wrong with you, your brother and sister spent every cent at the same week"...
Re: court proceedings

I have a question if anyone can answer this, If in court or before court, is it possible you could write a short letter for the judge/court, asking that you'd be sent to prison if its what you wanted ?
Can you ask your solicitor/the person representing you, if you could be sent down, to do your punishment head on!
instead of community service and/or a fine ?

richie60, I imagine you could opt for this, but its really a question for your legal advice. Do you have any yet?


Well-known member
Re: court proceedings

You can always write a letter and ask your solicitor to deliver it to the judge for you, after all your employing the solicitor, they have to do what you ask. They may well however, try to talk you out of it, but if your determined, then stick to your guns.
U sure you'd want to go to prison tho? I hear it not that nice...


Well-known member
Re: court proceedings

Mate I don't want to be giving legal advice, I don't think anybody here is qualified to.

But think very very carefully before you ask for this. Remember one instinct that most SP/SAD people have is the instinct to run. You won't be able to do this if you are in a prison. From what I hear you will be at mercy of prison guards and other dominant prisoners.

They probably won't let you do what you want or let you stay always in your room. There are probably prison work, cleaning, musters/roll calls, being forced by other prisoners to do things etc.

So think very carefully before what you do. I don't know what your crime is. Can't you us use your medical condition to get a lenient or different punishment (periodic detention etc)?

Remember staying in your room and prison is totally different . Get professional legal _and_ medical advice.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
You keep asking these sort of questions. You do know this isn't a legal advice forum, right? Surely there are other places and people that would be better to ask.



does anyone know the procedure after sentence has been passed ?

Procedure? You either go to jail or you don't. Once the verdict has been reached you either go home, or you are kept in court custody then taken by a police van (commonly referred to a sweat box) to prison. Once there I think you get strip searched, processed and put onto a wing.

Most of the time you will share a cell with one or two people. If they consider you a danger to other inmates or you are considered vulnerable, you might be put In a single cell. But more often than not you also loose the few privileges your likely to receive if you refuse to be put in general population.

But not wanting to sound nasty, I agree with what Nathaniel said. You really should be asking a solicitor this sort of stuff or Citizens Advice.