immediate anxiety killer...


Well-known member
So....what do you use if you need a quick an effective remedy for anxiety ?

Of course, i'm not talking about lasting effects here...a few hours I guess it's sufficient :roll:

I used to ''administrate'' 4 beers and the effects lasted for about 2-3 hours of anxiety free moments. But now i'm getting depressed and adding the effects of alcohol on depression to my current's too much to bare

I was thinking of benzodiazephines for a burst of anxiety free mood, i need it only for a couple of hours. About 6 mg of Rivotril would be enough I think...haven't tried it yet...i need to consult my doctor on this.

What do YOU use (besides alcohol i mean) ? :?


Well-known member
I'm interested in this too. I'll often down a couple of mixed drinks before I have some kind of social thing going on. I feel like taking a pill would be easier and probably healthier. My gripe is that I just don't want to get hooked on anything.


Well-known member
clack013 said:
a beta blocker such as inderal should do the trick and it's not dangerous like xanax.

Here is from


''What is Inderal?
• Inderal is in a group of drugs called beta-blockers. Beta-blockers affect the heart and circulation (blood flow through arteries and veins).
• Inderal is used to treat tremors, angina (chest pain), hypertension (high blood pressure), heart rhythm disorders, and other heart or circulatory conditions. It is also used to treat or prevent heart attack, and to reduce the severity and frequency of migraine headaches.
• Inderal may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.''

Where are the anxiolitic effects ?

I guess you took this medicine and helped you ? Cause I wouldn't mind taking a medicine prescribed for blood presure 2 help me with anxiety.

Seroquel for instance helped me with sleep, although his target was schizophrenia.

10x 4 the reply


I know that this is not the answer that most people are looking for, as it requires some effort, but an intense cardio workout burns off my nervous energy and leaves me feeling relaxed and laidback for hours afterwards. The trick is that you really need to push yourself (if you dont workout regularly, then start out slow your first few sessions) so that you are completely focused on the workout and cant think of anything else.


Well-known member
ireally want these too. ive been thinking aboutvalium or xanax mabye butmy mom said a dr wont prescribe that to a minor (16) i have a drs apt fri and was thinking about asking him. is there a chance hed prescribe it 2 me?


Well-known member
Hi, i know that most people know the dangers of valium and xanax but from my experience i would not touch them again, they blotted out a large part of mylife last year and i cant really remeber any of it, during this time i crashed my car and i have no recolection of it at all, i built a fence round my hose and painted my garage and i only realised i had done these things when i stopped taking the valium, but i have no mental memory of ever doing them.

i know drugs work diffrent for diffrent people but i would really use them as a last resort.


Well-known member
whoa thats crazy i have took them both a few times b4 just 2 take them to get high i guess. pills have never worked ongetting me high tho idk y they either do nothing or makeme sick. i stick 2weed :) lol


Well-known member
DYiNG-iNSiDE said:
ireally want these too. ive been thinking aboutvalium or xanax mabye butmy mom said a dr wont prescribe that to a minor (16) i have a drs apt fri and was thinking about asking him. is there a chance hed prescribe it 2 me?

So how did it go. Ive always wanted to go on meds but ive also been informed about age limits for these medications. Im 15 living in the uk and the doctors are really tight about giving out meds because of the nhs.


New member
I took around 160mg of half inderal LA ,but it wasnt that effective for me.Now i am going to try kava kava along with inderal and would see if its able to help me with my anxiety in anyway.Any one know the side effects taking kava with Inderal?

I had a lot of hope for Inderal bfore,but it didnt work out well for me.


Well-known member
I wonder if beta-blockers (such as Inderal) would help severe anxiety.
As i know they are prescribed to regulate heartbeat and lowering blood pressure and haven't any immediate and strong effect on anxiety level.
As you said for immediate and strong effect benzotadine's (such as klonopin,xanax,...) are the best. Klonopin (rivotril or clonazepam) is the first choice, but take care by its dosage. Start with 0.5mg/day and finally you can test up to 3-4mg/day if it isn't so effective.
For drug abusers it may be addictive. Also regular and continuous use of benzo's may lead to weakness of memory. So for long-term usage they aren't proper. You can use them as needed.


Well-known member
Statie said:
I know that this is not the answer that most people are looking for, as it requires some effort, but an intense cardio workout burns off my nervous energy and leaves me feeling relaxed and laidback for hours afterwards. The trick is that you really need to push yourself (if you dont workout regularly, then start out slow your first few sessions) so that you are completely focused on the workout and cant think of anything else.

Yeah, workout works cause it develops endorphines,

Weed on the other hand, I don't have the money cause I'd do it...

Still alcohol remains the best for me, last time I drank half a litre of Stalinskaia and it went OK. Of course I felt depresed afterwards, but it was a fair trade I guess... :roll:


how does weed reduce anxiety lol?

does anyone know any imediate anxiety killers which do not cost too much? i've been looking at xanax but it extremely expensive.

i need something asap :oops:


Well-known member
weed ? i just talked to someone about that. he said it gives you a ''feeling good'' sensation, feeling high, euphoria like.

but it said that you're not supposed to drink anything except water while smoking weed, cause u get horrible nausea and headaches.

i also heard that weed is the only drug that doesn't create addiction like heroin, cacaine or other shit. and it doesn't do too much harm to the organism, maybe less than tabacco.

i, for instance used alcohol last time (in the club), 3 beers, but it wasn't enough, i needed like 5 to get going, but i felt 2 full to get more beer inside me.

btw, did u noticed that alcohol tends 2 be more efficient when u sit down while drinking rather than standing up? or is it me ?


Active member
Nothing really works for me. Usually anything I can do that totally takes my mind off of thinking works.

When I have a really bad panic attack and I'm at home, sometimes holding objects or ice in my hand works for me. Holding the ice and laying in my bed knowing that the ice is going to melt all over the place and knowing I dont care for some reason helps. How strange is that? :)

When I'm in anxious situations chewing big red gum also helps me.

Those are my F'd up things that help me. I'd much prefer to get some prescribed drugs but I just can't bring myself to going to the doctor! People say they can't remember what they do when they're on some prescription drugs.....I say that's exactly what I'm looking for!


I think weed is different for different people.. i use to smoke it 24/7 when i was younger and while not physicaly addictive it was strongly mentaly cos i used it as a way of dealing with life which wasnt good.. didnt quit till i was 18 after about 4 years... and it braught on alot of my anxiety an gives me insta panick attacks if i smoke it now so just be carefull anyone who thinks about using it... i experimented with alot of drugs when i was younger and weed was the one that really f'd me over.

My personaly experience with beta blockers (propanalol i think) was well i didnt really notice that it helped.. but when my incompetent docotor messes up my script and it took me like a week to get back on em... caused major panick and my heat beat was going up to like 160.If you do get these dont stop suddenly.

And with benzos.. while i found diazepam really affective.. and could manage it without taking 2 much and getting dependant.Persoanly made meworse cos iwould be ok when i had them... but if i had to go out without em.. my head would say to me you wont be able to do it without diazipam so they were counterproductive for me really.Cos if you gave in to em you can end up with a serious problem.. i see people at the doctors with a diazipam habit of like 100mg daily.. (5mg calms me down) just to make em feel normal after being addicted to it for like 10 years 8O


I don't now any about prescription pills that work, I havent tried any though so I wouldn't know. And as for an instant cure for serious anxiety I wouldn't know either if there really is one. I know it's gonna have to take place over a period of a month or two anyway and provide something concrete to build on, because for me any quick fixes I've had didn't last long, just covered things up for a bit, if you still have to go back to living the same life as before then you'll just get back into the same rut.

I've done hypnosis with some good people, which helped after a few sessions and i felt relaxed and at ease for a while after. Had some energy healing type of thing with a world renound healer, who treats people such as Paul Mckenna , Fergie the Duchess of York, Roger Daltrey from the Who, Greg Rudsesky and others, which had a f**king amazing effect from the few sessions I had and my anxiety disappeared completely for a while. But at £80 a session money soon dried up and I couldnt do it anymore.

Some drugs that I used to use used to take away any anxiety in an instant but unless you want to throw up alot and chuck your life away on a habit it would only make things worse in the long run, so they cant be recommended.

The thing that kills me with anxiety in the lack of physical energy that robs me of motivation and makes it hard to do any hard physical training like weights cos I burn out too quick after a few work outs and cant keep the rest/relaxation/ eating loads part of it up so it's hard to keep at it, and I become lazy, skinny and unhealthy looking and lack physical presence. So I need a kick from somewhere to liven me up again.

I've been looking at a lot Growth hormone sites and forums and some well known and legitimate studies have shown that it helps a lot with anxiety and depression, some reports from people who participated have said about a 70-80% reduction in their symptoms followed treatment. Other benefits include much better sleep, more energy, better healing/repair after exercise, improved mental/cognitive functioning, overcoming social withdrawal amongst other things. For the level that it takes to see the effects there are suprisingly few if any side effects too.

It's pretty expensive, which is why I haven't got any yet, but I'm saving up for some. There a few good doctors out there who have made the link between anxiety and depression and hormonal factors, but for the most part alot of doctors will just prescribe the usuall ineffective treatment to play it safe. So I know I'll have to take matters into my own hands on this.
. It might be worth doing a little research on it though, as something that might alleviate a lot of anxiety symptoms.


ecstasy is an amazing anxiety killer.

just a shame you look like a complete idiot, lose loads of brain cells and feel like shit for a couple of days after.