I'm the problem


Well-known member
I've always been the problem with everyone and everything... It doesn't matter who they are a loved one or a hated one... I'm always the problem, im selfish, I'm hateful, I don't understand others... Everything I worked for and achieved I don't deserve... I don't want to hurt anyone anymore... My own mother told me today that I'm the reason she wants to breakdown, my girlfriend is upset because I was being selfish, my brother hates me, my other brother doesn't care, my dad never understands... For whoever reads this... I'm sorry....
There's only one thing more powerful in correction a wrong than an apology, and that's by addressing the cause of the harm directly. Avoiding repetition is far more important than apologies in my personal opinion.

Not that I'm convinced you're a bad person in any way, and definitely not to the extent that you feel about yourself. But if you feel that you've made mistakes and done people wrong, it's never too late to start correcting them.

Also try not to get hung up and what you do and don't deserve. Those are just subjective sentiments. Rather, just try to be appreciative for the fortunes you enjoy. Be grateful - but definitely don't make yourself feel guilty for having them.