I'm terrified of women


spectator said:
noone said:
Hey I feel the same way too. It was about two years ago. I think I will never forget that disgusting moments. The teacher offered us tea and I got anxious again. Cos I have always been anxious when I eat or especialy drink sth in the the public. And there were two girls the same age as me who were trying to hide their laughter when my hands were shaking. Moreover one of them was laughing at me looking at my hands :evil: And there was a boy behind of us who is their friend( he is exactly an asshole :x ) He was also giggling. And then one of the girls asked me why I didn't drink it with the nasty laughter on her face. Shit! What a brazen fool! I wish I have told her off.
So now, I feel much more anxious than before if there is a girl near me. Despite being fairly handsome guy (not to boast , I heard that word mostly)even the way of I walk changes. I wish only to be myself but I can't. I always have a feeling that they are judging me as you know.

I'm sorry about that bro. I too had those sorts of troubles with girls back in school, I had a number of female bullies, no male ones though. I also get that feeling of being judged, just today I was sitting in a small lecture of about 20 people, for the past 10 or so times I haven't said a word to anyone other than the teacher and even that rarely, and this girl today said hi to me, and I looked in her direction, muttered a pathetic "hhh..." and then just looked down and she started laughing...it really sucked.

The good thing for people like us is that our hearts can't be broken if they haven't developed properly... :(

Yeah I really comprehend your feelings. Sometimes I think that we're the real social phobics. And I have sth to say about that bitch :evil: I wish to God she becomes a social phobic :evil:


New member
hey guys are u afraid only of women that you find attractive? because I'm afraid even of women not attractive to me.


Well-known member
needanick said:
hey guys are u afraid only of women that you find attractive? because I'm afraid even of women not attractive to me.

Well i'm more afraid of women who are attractive but i am pretty much the same with most women.


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
recluse is a fucking women himself. Jesus Christ, the guy still hasn't grown up.

Well atleast i have the balls to put my pic on this site :wink: