I'm Taking Control


Well-known member
I am doing something with my life.. I'm doing what i want to do & don't have to anwer to anyone when doing it.
I live in a nice place, just here....


I drive an o.k car, an EVO MK2. I have travelled the world & seen more places than anyone i know. I've slept with loads of bitches & i'm quite content.
Yeah sure, things could be a whole lot better, but they could be drastically worse also.
My friend had a Testarossa many years years back & i had a go in that & it was an amazing ride, but he paid £110K ($220K) 15 years ago. He's doing 7 years in Wormwood Jail for drug-dealing.


Well-known member
Hey Sen, what car do you drive & what is the average price of real-estate where you live, now that we're geting all materialistic..??


Hehe, well i'm still in college so the most expensive thing I own is this cheap ass laptop :p

And the average house price is around £180,000. It's a pretty average place, everyone drives normal cars (mondeos, older bmw 3 series).
It's just a normal estate with normal people.

But it's not my kind of life, me personally, I want a extraordinary life with extraordinary possessions.

You seem to have material possessions sorted, nice place, nice car.

I wasn't trying to compete, I just got the impression you were wasting away.


Well-known member
I'd trade everything i own just to be happier..!! Ferrari's & stuff like that doesn't mean shit to me..


Happiness is awesome, but one of the things which makes me happy is ....ferrari's and stuff :p


Well-known member
Sen said:
Happiness is awesome, but one of the things which makes me happy is ....ferrari's and stuff :p

Never mind, when you grow up & have pubic hair, shit like that won't seem so important to you..!!

Hope this helps..?!


Well-known member

"not caring what others think of yourself"......this is very revealing.

there seems to be a lot of anger directed towards others, towards yourself......

i can sense that "dumping these feelings" on this site might be helpful. getting the poison out so to speak.

do you want to change say

1) your attitudes
2) your feelings,
3) your behaviour?

Whether you change or not is your choice.

Does this make any sense?