i'm sorry, another rant.


Well-known member
Purely for my benefit to get it out somewhere, you don't have to read my long and angry rambling.

As I've mentioned a lot of times, I do a ton of research. I have been obsessed with getting to the truth of things, despite the government. Somehow I ended up stumbling onto health, through my own health-revelations having to do with my gluten intolerance. From birth, I have suffered from things that my gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance caused me..: severe depression, severe chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic IBS, chronic joint pain to the point that I couldn't walk anywhere and I cried myself to sleep, ataxia so bad that I couldn't move my mouth to speak too often, excessive sweating everywhere really, hotflashes, I was autistic and now thankgod i'm not, every now and then I had seizures, I was constantly in a daze and could stare at a wall for days entertained, lack of balance/co-ordination, anemia, bipolar disorder, ADD, and cerebral atrophy (lack of blood flow to the brain, damaging the brain).

The point is that, I am scarred by this betrayal of the government to feed me things that would permanently damage me, if I hadn't have caught it earlier. I understand the pains of mysterious disease and now, I am too scarred to handle the sights of disease and pain of others.

When I go outside all I see is others suffering with diseases like mine, complaining, no hope, but I suspect they can be healed in the same way.. All I see is the suffering because there is so much of it!! But even worse, I speak my story about how hopeful we can be that it isn't something wrong with US but our environment, or our food, and I am shot down, the government has brainwashed most of them! Eat 12 servings of grains a day, drink your milk! So that the government can make money off of your cancer, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, aggression, Alzheimers, arthritis, dementia, autism, IBS, crohn's, fibromyalgia, atresia, kidney disease, hypothyroidism, cirrhosis, autoimmune thyroid disease, asthma, aspergers, ADD/ADHD, osteoporosis, cerebellar atrophy<<--- "There is proof that gluten consumption may be the most important factor in the predisposition of auto-immune diseases"... there are 182 diseases listed in this book, scientifically proven to be connected to this ****, and they all make a lot of sense when you look at the science of each disease and the way gluten affects our bodies... but where does this info go? Government is choosing not to promote this knowledge, but rather promote the growing rate of cancer, which only HAPPENED to SHOW UP once man began to eat GRAINS. Not a coincidence.

And why does the government tell us to eat these things, even though there are more and more studies pouring in about how milk infact CAUSES osteoporosis and cancer, and that gluten can case 182 extremely popular diseases??? Because of the money it brings in through the need of medical care and medication.

My mom went through 5 miscarriages before discovering her gluten sensitivity. Now she is still drinking milk even though she's lactose intolerant, and her severe ADD, depression, anxiety, paranoia, muscle and joint pains, heart palpitations, hot flashes, migraines and memory loss has consumed her. She simply covers it up with enormous doses of ritalin, prozac, and other antidepressants. In the end, she sleeps all day and spends her day shouting at people or cleaning like she's on meth. I do not have a mother and I blame the government. I don't want anybody telling me that gluten and milk doesn't do all of these things unless they find proof of that. Go look up "study proving that milk makes strong bones" or that gluten is good for you. My god I am so fed up with the world....... they have taken my childhood and my mother, and because this runs in families I know it's the cause of my sister's debilitating digestive disorders, bipolar disorder, and all the other things I used to suffer with. And I have to watch her, completely in denial.... another person taken away from me by this stupid.. "Food".
At least now I am free and 'i can see cleaaaaaarly now the rain i gone'...

I understand that one cannot control people. I just had to rant about it... AGAIN. because this knowledge is making me CYNICAL and ANGRY like an old man who just can't handle the truth alone. I can't handle seeing other people go through what I had to go through. Those diseases are the reasons I was taunted, hated, excluded, "worthless".... I can't handle it.... not alone, no...
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Well-known member
I'm not quite sure what your getting at. Are you mad that the government isn't banning some foods or are you mad that your problems were seemingly caused by something as easy to fix with just a change in diet?


Well-known member
i don't expect the government to ban foods, but rather not promote them as something you need, and then knowlingly keep promoting them despite clear evidence, books and studies that they are the main cause behind so many unnecessary diseases, as a means of making money off of us. I'm mad that there are so many people in pain for unnecessary reasons and i'm mad that it has caused me so much personal crisis. I'm mad at the whole situation, I don't know, I don't expect my rant to be met with understanding because it seems nobody understands really, understanding isn't what i'm looking for, i'm just looking for a place I can get this out of me where people won't get defensive and call me crazy. I feel hopelessly alone and that spurs from not finding any understanding having to do with this anger I have towards this situation


Well-known member
I feel your cynicism and anger. When I have spare time I also do a bit of research on food/health-related questions that I would have in mind, and whenever I discover that I've been tricked for years, it always makes me resentful that these suits are willfully poisoning people...that it's all about the big bucks streaming in and it's people's ignorance that keeps them in business. And the worst part is they often get away with it.


Escape Artist do you keep lactose & gluten free diet? I was once about half year (or more?) strictly gluten free and milk and dairy free for like 3 years. But no change, so I started to drink milk again. I don't feel milk would cause me problems, I even had a test for lactose intolerance which was negative and for gluten intolerance which was negative too. On top of that I also had a test in the university of Sunderland (Paul Whiteley). I wanted to know if milk and gluten cause me autism. The result was rather inconclusive. They wrote this

Thank you for your email regarding your results. I will try and answer
your questions in turn:

1. Analysis of your results for the presence of trans-indolyl-3-
acryloylglycine (IAG) was not as clear-cut in your case as we have seen
in other samples. It was apparent from the results that IAG was not
present as a significant peak in your sample at either wavelength
(shown as graphs a and b) - hence not present in any great quantity. We
are quite sure about this because visually there was no large peak in
the area where IAG would be expected (19-20 minutes). Also, the
analytical system we use carries out an automatic 'sweep' of the
results and compares details of all the stored compounds previously run
on the system against all the peaks detected in your sample. It
reported only a 9.2% match between the standard for IAG stored in its
memory and comparison of peaks present in your sample. This is not a
great match. The slight ambiguity in the interpretation of your results
is there because we cannot rule out minute traces of IAG being present
despite the low correlation between IAG standards and what was found in
your sample. I would suggest that if IAG is present it is not then
present in the sorts of amount that would indicate any significant
biological activity.

2. Traces of IAG are fairly common in the population as a whole - not
just confined to autism and other family relations. Given that the
parent amino-acid compound of IAG and its precursory compounds is
tryptophan - something which is fairly abundant in our foods - it would
not be uncommon to see IAG in most if not all samples to some degree as
a consequence of normal metabolic function.

3. Based on the mechanisms of toxicitiy that we subscribe to,
the 'trace' levels of IAG together with the lack of any significant
match between peaks in your sample and the range of casein-derived
peptide standards we also run against would suggest that a gluten and
casein-free diet are probably not going to have much effect for you.
This does not mean to say that these foods may not have some other
effect for you - bearing in mind we cannot rule out classical allergy
to such products (see the booklet - Autism as as a Metabolic Disorder
for further information about this distinction).

4. The issue of abnormal permeability of the GI tract (leaky gut) ties
into IAG. IAG is the end-product of a detoxified parent compound called
indole-3-acrylic acid (IAcrA). It is this compound that we feel has the
effect on biological membranes (this compound then being "detoxified"
by the body's addition of the amino-acid glycine to form IAG). In light
of the above issue regarding a lack of significant levels of IAG - I am
slightly hesitant to suggest any abnormal permeability as arising from
this route (I cannot comment on other issues relating to gut
permeability in specific cases).

I hope this helps. We have much more information about IAG and IAcrA on
our website (including further references to the research that has been
carried out in this area).
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further

I still drink milk today but mostly avoid grains which I found are not doing me good for digestion. I do eat it but only sometimes and not too much. Also, if we don't eat one thing, we have to eat another instead and god can you tell me what is entirely healthy? Maybe fruits but if we don't eat anything else we will lack vitamins. Or if we substitute milk with meat, it is more cruel to animals than drinking milk. As for nuts and seeds, I find they are quite hard to digest too and often are containing toxins. (aflatoxine etc.) If we eat too much of raw vegetables, they are hard to digest and rob the body of calcium due to their content of phytine. I found eating too much of raw vegetables isn't good for me. If we eat them cooked, they are depleted of vitamins. Legumes are super hard to digest. Eggs.. I don't know, one peculiar thing about eggs is, a couple of years ago I was abroad and had wounds on my legs. I met someone and as he saw a lot of puss was pouring off them, he asked "did you eat eggs yesterday", I said yes. He said the eggs cause this. When I gave them up it really diminished. So maybe they are not so good either? It is hard to recognize which foods are making you harm because the damage may not be directly obvious but latent and causing you chronic discomfort.
There's always foods that some people are intolerant of. Many common everyday foods have some carcinogenic substances in them, as well as many nutrients. There's no completely safe food, just relatively good ones and relatively bad ones. If they can promote something like alcohol as a cultural norm when it's obvious that there's almost no nutritional benefit... high prices, risk of addiction, drunk driving... etc.. etc... then they're unlikely to bother with scrutinizing every food we eat.

Or sometimes, they may know it and just keep on promoting since the effects take time to manifest and they want to keep making money. It's not just for food. Most 'popular' choices are not good ones since they focus on the short term ('profits' usually) and many good long term choices are unpopular because their benefits only appear in the long run. After all, a faction needs money for campaigns and all that and those money often come from corporations with strings attached. To stay in power requires that the faction or government make all the choices that are popular to the general public, regardless of how it damage the environment, the minorities or the public itself in the long run...

Sorry if I didn't explain it clearly. Read a book on it recently. Basically it boils down to greed as it often does.


Well-known member
Lea-That is a very interesting reply. I guess according to their methods, your body seems to be quite tolerant to the partially-digested proteins and peptides.

I'm surprised you found no benefit in a gluten and lactose free diet. There are still morphine-like substances in both milk and gluten, and they do reach everybody in differing amounts, however minor and unnoticable. Morphine/opiates ARE linked to increased cancer growth. I think gradual disease is another thing to keep in mind. But as for replacing milk, there are practically no nutrients that we absorb from it, I don't see a need to replace it?

"what little calcium milk actually has is offset by the fact that it is barely absorbable by humans since cows milk is meant for baby cows. Dr William Ellis has conducted thousands of blood tests in people who drank 4 glasses of milk a day and found that they had lower levels of calcium than the rest of the population.

This is because milk interferes with the digestion of nutrients by clogging the stomach and intestines with mucous"

Not only this, but the high amount of phosphorus inhibits absorption. Those who drink milk actually are at higher risk of osteoporosis, just as America has sky-rocketing amounts of osteoporosis.

I'd say for the rate that both inhibits absorption of nutrients, there is no need to replace either one.

I don't see how raw vegetables are hard to digest, though. I think raw vegetables are only hard to digest because they push out all of the toxins from our bodies. I think the problem is more that people like the comforting effect of the casomorphins in milk and the peptide-opoids in gluten, and plain vegetables and fruit no longer satisfies the addiction, and no longer seems like sustenance. A lot of nutrients are in dark leafy greens, which is what consists of 50% of a chimp's diet, our closest relative. It contains protein and calcium in the correct balance. Of course, the more protein you eat the more calcium you need, this is what's so great about dark leafy greens. Without animal meat, we wouldn't be looking for high concentrations of calcium, like those that we were tricked to thinking were in milk.

I appreciate your reply. I guess it's another matter where all opinion differ


Well-known member
Where do I read/learn more about this?

In my case,I do eat a lot of vegetables,fruits,I know its best to take all from nature,farm,but its impractical for me,I usually eat a lot of things,even bad things,mostly because they taste so good,but I am actually quite healthy,my anxiety,depression has another cause which I am never going to post in this forum,but I would like to read more.


Well-known member
Interesting thread!

EA, I can relate!! I could often get frustrated at corporations or TV too, or governments/politicians or such.. I think the money factor is important, yeah.. Practically almost can't watch TV anymore, because almost every commercial is for either unhealthy things or trash (non-zero-waste), or both.

About milk and gluten - I don't think these are all that problematic 'by themselves', the problem is cause a lot of wheat is sprayed with iffy things (some say some may contain mercury and such), and milk production (especially in USA) can be very iffy too (like the bovine growth hormone, cleaning solutions used, what they feed cows with - is it GMO soy/corn or natural, or grass - and where is the grass cut/pastured on? By 'highways'/industrial cities/polluted areas or in natural environments..? Do farmers or others burn trash, thus producing dioxines and other cancer-causing chemicals - even wannabe 'eco' farmers can do this!! etc)

So it's not just a question about milk, there can be VERY different sorts of milk!! (or wheat)

There are different theories whether milk and gluten are good for anyone, I think in the past they were a part of some people's diet (geographically), and they did not consume them in such big amounts as today.. Farmers here had one cow, not ten like today.. And apparently cows are often 'pushed' to produce more milk these days (with feed etc) and die sooner too.. So helping promote more sustainable farming could be one thing..
Giving farmers easy options of what they could grow instead of milk production could be another thing.. (Also depending on geographic area! In the hills it's different than in the valleys or where there's lots of flat land..)

As far as I know autistic people and some others may have certain other problems that make milk and gluten difficult to consume, producing 'opiates' etc.. (some say those might be 'genetic', or they might be environmentally related) There are a few non-profits for autistic people here, maybe you could join one? I bet they'd be really happy of a passionate volunteer like you are!! There are websites and NGOs worldwide, take a look.. Some are more 'mainstream', some are for promoting gluten/milk-free and additives-free diet too..)

(A mum of an autistic kid here says her kid is doing much better now that she's gluten-free and milk-free... So I think attitudes ARE changing across the world, some people or some places might take longer to reach..
I'm really sorry your mum is like that.. It was very difficult for my family to be supportive when I was gluten-free and milk-free, we quarrelled a lot... Then I sort of gave up..
I'm now wondering if it's smart to continue to eat it all for possible 7+ months, as long as the waiting list for celiac is.. Or what to do.. My family trusts 'official' tests most.. It can be very unpleasant though..

On one hand I often feel better gluten/milk-free, while if I do get upset, some cocoa (magnesium+calcium) or some wheat product can be nice.. It might be just the 'high' from opiates, or the normal calming affect, dunno!!
So maybe your mum likes getting 'calm'/high (?) on milk too?
I read milk has anti-stress vitamins, so not sure how it is about this.. Or how to know the difference.. without official tests, and even those may show different results - eg one test positive, one negative..)

My sis likes Coca Cola and thinks it's a cure and answer to everything!! (I think it's her way of rebelling the 'health-freaks' in the family! :D) It can be very frustrating sometimes yeah.. Especially to see her struggle with all sorts of health problems and eat junkie food.. Or to see my aunts or friends with diabetes eat cookies, grr!! People can sometimes just 'give into temptations' or choose to go into disbelief mode etc. (And yup doctors many times don't help, when they could... Many doctors don't know much or anything about nutrition.. Or some give up because some patients just want pills.. Ideally everyone would research and find better and healthier solutions.. Though sometimes too much research can become mind-boggling too, and it would be great if there were easy access to these things, both the info and the solutions.. - And not waiting lists of 7+ months, grr!!)

I did hear that celiac/gluten intolerance (not sure which, it was on the radio) might be on the rise, like 1 in 100 people (in USA I think) could have it.. Again, not sure if it's due to unsustainable farming and industry practices or a combination of factors or..?
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