I'm so lost now

I stopped seeing my therapist and now I'm going to another place because his "plan" he put together I am sure is not really the root of my problem. He says I don't have an OCD yet a lot of people on here say they have the same problem and they're diagnosed with OCD. Long story short, people accuse me of staring that them (in my peripheral vision) but I'm not, and as a result I get anti social and I have high anxiety. The only reason I have trouble keeping eye contact is because so many people have accused me of staring that even "staring" at people in a face-to-face conversation is hard for me. Of course I can keep eye contact if I wanted to, just with someone close so I know I'm not freaking them out. And of course it's weird to keep eye contact for a super long time lol. I'm
not sure if its part of his job but he keeps a very LONG eye contact and I've never experienced someone keep eye contact for that long... Kinda weird. Imagine how people feel when they think I'm staring at them!

The root of the problem is.. Why are people accusing me of this?!?! Maybe this isn't psychological, maybe it has to do with my eye? I want to think this is all in my head but it's real for sure. I haven't found anyone that is cured yet?

I've been getting so depressed. I feel like this is never going to go away. If it doesn't, then what is the point of anything anymore


Well-known member
What did the therapist you're no longer seeing say was the problem then? As for the staring, is it possible you're just not aware that you are? I'm the same, sort of. I make it a point not to stare at anyone, so if I'm around a person I look away a lot. But sometimes I've noticed myself - in the course of NOT staring at them - staring at them, lol. Though to be accused of staring in one's periphery is a bit strange. How would they know unless they were looking at you to notice, hmm.

In any event, don't despair too badly. There are worse problems to have. And while this sucks for you, I think the issue can be identified, or addressed, and perhaps fixed. Or at least managed. Let us know how the new place works out. Oh, and welcome to the forum. :)