i'm not sure if this is depression exactly just frusterated


Well-known member
I'm tired of having conversations with people and that person repeating the same conversation again and again like it never happened before. I remember what conversations I have with people and it seems like a waste of time if most people can't remember it! It annoys me so much. I get mad sometimes and that person is like "ohh whopps sorry." I'm so tired someone acting like it's the first time they said something. It feels like they don't care enough to remember. :(


Well-known member
I think it's happened to all of us where we can't remember who we've told stories to, so we accidentally repeat the same story to someone.

I believe that it's unintentional, so it's likely just frustration that they're not paying attention enough. That can lead to depression.


Well-known member
I find that I'm often playing out established roles with certain people. The unspoken social rules, things you share with that person, etc. It's a comfort zone where two personalities act things out.

For example, a guy at work almost always tells me about exactly the same things (his latest one night stands, his holidays, work related things etc.) and I respond in a way that sometimes feels a bit automated because he really seems to become predictable. It's nice when you can shake things up a little though, and say something unexpected, but if you can't help but keeping repeating the same conversations it can really become dull and frustrating.
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