I'm new, and I...sweat.... prolifically!


So, I recently stumbled upon this website while I was searching for information about sweating. Sweating is something that I do very easily and in very large quantities, pretty much all over my body. The earliest that I remember sweating being an issue was probably around late middle school, early high school. It has become increasingly worse as the years moved along.

Dealing with how I sweat is extremely hard given my circumstances. I always feel warm, even in very cold weather. The only time I feel cold is if I am in a cold environment, being wet helps... and stationary for a very long period of time. I don't know what part that plays in my condition, but feeling hot and the panic I get from worrying about sweating just makes me pour. To make matters worse, I live in Houston, Texas where this summer we have had a record number of consecutive days in the triple digits. It is very humid here and it often feels warmer than what the temperature indicates. Compound that with the fact that I don't have A/C in the ride. Double compound?? that with the fact that I have a labor intensive job in a furniture store warehouse with a broke A/C system, where I have to interact with customers while physically exerting myself. Side compound THAT with the fact that I attend a university that boasts its "sprawling" campus, within which I have to walk very long distances in the Texas heat... And you might have a small glimpse into my experience.

So I just deal with it, there is really not much I can do besides the hand towel, bottle of water, and carefully maneuvering through places with A/C. Sure, its embarrassing, but I refuse to let it be debilitating. I sweat A LOT! or A BUCKET! I carry extra changes of clothes! I probably look really weird when sweat beads up on my large bald head! I sweat out shirts like a tennis player in a historically long match! Aaaaaaand if your in the same boat, that's why I'm here... to share... and to help if I can.



Well-known member
Welcome to our sweat club! Read lots of our back posts and you will learn some of the things you can try and do to possibly help with your body sweating. It really sucks and does wonders to our sweaty existence. You are not alone, so vent all you need too.
Oh, I have! I have been reading the advice, the stories, and learning for quite some time. Today I just decided to write. This place is awesome, its informative, funny, sad, and healing all at the same time... I just want to be a part of that.


Well-known member
welcome 2 SPW, a place to share advice, sweaty experiences, common thoughts, laughs, and to see how people with similar conditions deal w/ things.