I'm going crazy. !

Egh if anyone remembers the thread I had made about my creepy neighbor..I have an update : it's still going on. !!! And he doesn't seem to plan on stopping anytime soon. Luckily I'm getting the frig out of here soon though. Whew. Egh, Anywho here lately he's just been basically running outside of his apartment just to be near. Ex: A few days ago I was walking up the driveway and he crosses the parking lot to take the trash out. He studies my apartment for a few seconds then looks over at me before proceeding to dump his trash. I stood for a few minutes and pretended to look around in my shopping bag for a few moments. I was purposely waiting until he would pass back across the parking lot.........as usual. But does he ? NO ! instead he stops halfway, observes me for a few seconds, starts walking down the driveway and stares as he walks to the end of it !!!!.

Then there was a few days ago, I was leaving my apartment to toss away old pieces of furniture into the dumpster. My mother went out first to dump and a few seconds later I see the dude coming out with a trash bin. When he hears the door of my building unlock he looks over and spots me in the doorway. I passed him as I lugged the furniture and stares coldly at me. When I looked over my shoulder I caught him observing my door and then he looked me up and down.!!!

I'm so tired of this crap. It's bad enough that I have to deal with street harassment on a regular basis within my current neighborhood but i shouldnt have to ****ing deal with this at my own place. I should be able to fully relax when I get home, not worry myself like crazy over this intrusive fool. ! I don't even want to go out anymore. I've been living like a hermit since the end of October and I'm sick of it. !!! I finally just called an advice hotline because I was on the edge of rocking back and forth from anxiety All the woman had told me to do was call the police and ask for advice. So I called and the dude just sends some guys over, I tell them that this has been going on for about six months and such, they file a police report (ha - and one of them asked why I waited so long to make a report ) and advise me to contact the landlord. Sigh. I called earlier today and he's going to try and find the guy and told me to call again next week.

Aghhhhh. I'm a bunch of nerves right now and I'm paranoid. As I sit here and type I'm facing a window in my kitchen.....and I purposely have all of the lights off. I can't make it until next week. ****

Sorry for any typos , like I said I'm a bag of nerves
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You want to know how I got these scars?
I know this is going to sound like useless info.. but try to calm down some.
You've done all you can for the time being, worrying so much like you are - you're going to make yourself sick. The guy sounds like a real ****!

I hope things improve for you, I really do.


Well-known member
Omg that would freak me out as well.
But you're moving out soon then?

I have a next door neighbour who has some illegal stuff going on. The police has been in his apartment once, and recently the police came again and knocked on my door to ask me if anyone still lives in there... I think he's hiding from them.
And he goes in and out of his apartment hundreds of times every day and night. He shuts his door so loudly that I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night because of his noise!
I used to live in a building where there was a man who put "gifts" for me outside my door, and he called my phone one time, I have no idea how he got the number because it was supposed to be a secret telephone number...
I hate it when I can't feel safe and relaxed where I live.

Thank you and yea, I know I need to but it's very hard when this person is your neighbor, seems to always be watching and you aren't sure what their motives are. (maybe I'm getting too crazy here). To reduce stress from this I've been trying to focus on important things but it's hard.


I hope both of our neighbor issues get resolved soon. Stay safe.:)