I'm fed up of life


Well-known member
I feel numb and i have no motivation, i feel inferior, tired etc. All i hear on the news is one natural disaster after the other, o'r about another young person murdered. I'm just so fed up of everything, ''I cant get no satisfaction!'' out of anything, everything feels like a chore rather than an enjoyment. I have a million obsessive thoughts muddled up in my head so i always feel stressed for no good reason, so i can't concentrate on anything. Ugh! I'm tired :(


Well-known member
I know what you mean. Sucks to go through life like that. It's like you're just a ghost. You're invisible and nobody notices you. You wake up, you eat, and you sleep.

That's why I love coming to this website! People are just like you, they care what you think and can relate. They would never want anything to happen to you. It's kind of like a family! A very very large family...


Well-known member
I feel numb and i have no motivation, i feel inferior, tired etc...I have a million obsessive thoughts muddled up in my head so i always feel stressed for no good reason, so i can't concentrate on anything. Ugh! I'm tired.
Ditto. Everything is such a struggle, even simple things. Everything seems magnified when you're alone. Happiness is just out of reach, just enough for you to see others enjoying it and be tormented by its absence in your life. It seems we're set up to fail. :(


New member
I'm the same, i get up late lazy around with nothing to do, stay up real late playing games then watch tv then go to sleep and then do it all over again. its like my life is a re-run.



I feel the same way... I have extreme anxiety and its a chore getting out of the house because of my irrational phobias.


Well-known member
You have to do what you can with what you have. I got a job and I took my second exam today, ready to start working towards my degree. I'll be working and studying at the same time, hopefully, and hopefully I'll get good results.

My life's not easy either, you know. I'm grateful for the fact that I have a roof to live under, a nice home, a loving family and a few, but good friends, but the things that go on inside my head, I wish them to no one.

My mind is so active that I cannot escape the awful thoughts I have. You know when you're trying to sleep, your eyes closed, and you get such a horrible image in your head that you just have to open your eyes and stare at your dresser or at the wall in the dark just so the horrible thought will go away? Yeah, I get that a lot. It gets so bad that my whole body wants to cry and I can't shed a single tear. It piles up inside. When I'm on my way to work, I imagine some of the people I come across trying to pick a fight or 'rob' me, and I try to imagine how violent I can get if pushed just the right way. I seriously scare myself when I think of how much violence/energy I have within me and where the adrenaline could take me.

Anyway, it's not all bad. I'm getting braces in a few days and watching one of my favorite bands play live next week. Hopefully, these clouds will vanish and the sun will come in full blast to fill me with good thoughts and positivity.


Well-known member
Yeah i work full time, but i find it so hard to get the motivation, especially when the only jobs i can get are dead end jobs.


Well-known member
Recluse, what do you want to do? What activities make you happy? You have to start small to make big changes! For example, one huge difference in my life would be to wake up early enough in the mornings to work out. So, I am going to start with that. I am going to start small and work my way up. I think you should do the same! Perhaps you're first step should be getting your own place! Getting out of my parents environment did me a Load of good. Maybe that's where you should start. Don't look at the "big" picture. Take it one step at a time and make small advances towards the life you want.


Well-known member
I feel everyday is the same mundane thing, because it is. I had to drop out of Uni this semester because of an operation and hospitalisation for depression/anxiety. Thankfully I still live with my parents (I'm still only 22) so there is no pressure to get a part time job, but I really need a job for my below average mental health. This is what I HATE about SA, I know getting a job would be very good for me; new friends maybe even a girlfriend :) . However, I'm very nervous about going out and handing my resume to places around the city :( . Luckily I have some Xanax pills so atleast some pressure will be off. I also need to do some new activities to also meet new people, but again the SA kicks in :( .

I am so pissed off with the situation I find myself in.


Active member
The only motivation I have is my family,I really only work to help them,they are what keep me going,if I loose them,I dont know what will be of me......


villacjs said:
I feel everyday is the same mundane thing, because it is. I had to drop out of Uni this semester because of an operation and hospitalisation for depression/anxiety. Thankfully I still live with my parents (I'm still only 22) so there is no pressure to get a part time job, but I really need a job for my below average mental health. This is what I HATE about SA, I know getting a job would be very good for me; new friends maybe even a girlfriend :) . However, I'm very nervous about going out and handing my resume to places around the city :( . Luckily I have some Xanax pills so atleast some pressure will be off. I also need to do some new activities to also meet new people, but again the SA kicks in :( .

I am so pissed off with the situation I find myself in.

This is EXACTLY what my problem is...
recluse said:
I feel numb and i have no motivation, i feel inferior, tired etc. All i hear on the news is one natural disaster after the other, o'r about another young person murdered. I'm just so fed up of everything, ''I cant get no satisfaction!'' out of anything, everything feels like a chore rather than an enjoyment. I have a million obsessive thoughts muddled up in my head so i always feel stressed for no good reason, so i can't concentrate on anything. Ugh! I'm tired :(

OMG, you just read my mind. Thats exactly how i feel....UGH man...it sucks doesn't it?


Well-known member
Yeah, life seems to suck for the most part, and lack of motivation is one of my biggest problems also.


Well-known member
The only advice I can give to people who are sick of life is to try new things. Like going to bed earlier, waking up earlier, start working out, etc. Trying new things in life is the key to developing a path in life. It helps you set new goals which explodes into motivation. Take risks and dont think of failure, but if you do fail, thats just another thing to motivate you when you try again.
Other examples of trying new things:

.when you eat out, get something you have never gotten before.
.start listening to music when you are working by yourself.
.Go out and buy new types of clothes, something different what you usually wear.
.Instead of procrastinating, get things done now! (pretty hard for me)
.Find a huge goal that you want to reach in ten years or so, and set smaller goals that will build your wall to reach up to that huge goal. (That's huge, take things step by step. Its not the result, its the pursuit of that result.)
. Go out and buy a household thing that takes a while building. (like a puzzle or a workout machine.) And build it!!!!
. Many others!!! Use your imagination and be creative! Life aint over, live while you can.


Well-known member
Danfalc said:
recluse said:
I feel numb and i have no motivation, i feel inferior, tired etc. All i hear on the news is one natural disaster after the other, o'r about another young person murdered. I'm just so fed up of everything, ''I cant get no satisfaction!'' out of anything, everything feels like a chore rather than an enjoyment. I have a million obsessive thoughts muddled up in my head so i always feel stressed for no good reason, so i can't concentrate on anything. Ugh! I'm tired :(

Sorry to hear you feel like that recluse... i think its worse than feeling depressed sometimes whe you feel nothing at all and so empty.I have no long term answers for you or life changing advice.I dont know if your getting good weather like us nothern monkeys.. but i went out in the park over the weekend and that with a mate and just kicked a footie about.It was so nice just to be out in the sun and that... i think sometimes we set ourselves too high targets and forget we can enjoy the small little things that life has to offer.Maybe treat yourself to another tattoo? that one you sent me a pic of looked wicked.. anyway hope u feel better soon.

The weather here is nice too but i just don't give a damn about anything most of the time. Thanks for the compliment on my tattoo, actually when i got them done i was feeling the way i am now so who knows.

Thanks anyway


Well-known member
Depressed4life said:
recluse said:
I feel numb and i have no motivation, i feel inferior, tired etc. All i hear on the news is one natural disaster after the other, o'r about another young person murdered. I'm just so fed up of everything, ''I cant get no satisfaction!'' out of anything, everything feels like a chore rather than an enjoyment. I have a million obsessive thoughts muddled up in my head so i always feel stressed for no good reason, so i can't concentrate on anything. Ugh! I'm tired :(

OMG, you just read my mind. Thats exactly how i feel....UGH man...it sucks doesn't it?

Wow! I must have the gift of telepaphy :D Yeah it sucks, if i am not anxious i am numb, there's no in-between for me.


Well-known member
krs2snow said:
Recluse, what do you want to do? What activities make you happy? You have to start small to make big changes! For example, one huge difference in my life would be to wake up early enough in the mornings to work out. So, I am going to start with that. I am going to start small and work my way up. I think you should do the same! Perhaps you're first step should be getting your own place! Getting out of my parents environment did me a Load of good. Maybe that's where you should start. Don't look at the "big" picture. Take it one step at a time and make small advances towards the life you want.

At the moment i want to hide away from everyone and everything, playing my guitar and driving my car usually gives me enjoyment, but everything feels a chore rather than an enjoyment.

I have been thinking about moving to my own place but i think i am afraid.