If you're a teenager please stop with the 'my life is over'


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Re: If you're a teenager please stop with the 'my life is ov

persian said:
IWouldPreferNotTo said:
i'm 21, and it's all downhill from here.

No way...thats your black-and-white thinking right there

Interesting thing about suicide...if you truly don't care if you live or die, you are in the perfect position to break out...say fu** it all and do whatever the fuck you want right? Why waste all that potential on nothingness?

The incredible, infinite ability to learn, is the reason we came to be evolved this far through history...my fellow human beings please utilize this ability...you are an incredible human with amazing powers, you won the lottery of life :p
Re: If you're a teenager please stop with the 'my life is ov

IWouldPreferNotTo said:
Depressed4life said:
I know you are probably saying that because of my post. Well in my eyes i might be 16 but i am feel like i am 50. No one can understand what i mean when my life its over...there was so many things i wanted to do while being in hs..b.c i graduate in june and i couldn't do. Now i have to face the ADULT WORLD OF COLLEGE which for a 16 year old its not going to be easy. My life its over because i am planning to k .ill myself one of this days. When you don't see hope, when you feel like shyt, when no one understands you...your life or at least my life its completely over. I do have a bf but my life still its the shyt that we all flush down the toilet and its not going to get better unless i ki.ll myself and go to hell or w.e it is that ppl that ki ll themselves go to.
As a matter of fact, my life been over the day i was born. My mom should had aborted me that bit..ch. GOD FORGIVE ME!! but its how i feel right now. I have no damn soul, idk who the fuk i am, idk what being happy means neither do i care. Who cares about life anyways? I know i don't...how about you?

In 5 years you'll look back at this post and think "WTF was I thinking?" Life can change so much after HS and college. Relax and go have a beer or something.

First of all, i don't drink in this country and there is no beer in my house. If you want to depend on alcohol to "SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS" then do you because i don't do that. Second of all, stop acting as if everyones life get better when they are adults and that blahblah bullshyt oh it will get better don't worry because thats not always the case. Being a teen doesn't mean that i can't express myself, that i can't be sad or have any problems because i am a teen because a lot of teens experience more crap at a young age than any adult will. If you had something to say to me, you should had said it before, there was no need for you to make a post talking about me "indirectly" because you are "GROWN" and you are not a child. Depression and anxiety are two things that really affected my life as well as my parents and other huge issues that i have. You don't know what it is to walk on my shoes and unless you feel the s.hit i feel you can talk but otherwise talk about yourself. YOu are not me, you don't know my life story or what the fuk i go through on a daily basis and if my post annoy you or anything just don't read it. This website was made for people to talk about their problems and such not for you to tell me oh you are young, it will get better non sense because we are not living in a fairy tale world.


Well-known member
Re: If you're a teenager please stop with the 'my life is ov

Depressed4life said:
First of all, i don't drink in this country and there is no beer in my house. If you want to depend on alcohol to "SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS" then do you because i don't do that. Second of all, stop acting as if everyones life get better when they are adults and that blahblah bullshyt oh it will get better don't worry because thats not always the case. Being a teen doesn't mean that i can't express myself, that i can't be sad or have any problems because i am a teen because a lot of teens experience more crap at a young age than any adult will. If you had something to say to me, you should had said it before, there was no need for you to make a post talking about me "indirectly" because you are "GROWN" and you are not a child. Depression and anxiety are two things that really affected my life as well as my parents and other huge issues that i have. You don't know what it is to walk on my shoes and unless you feel the s.hit i feel you can talk but otherwise talk about yourself. YOu are not me, you don't know my life story or what the fuk i go through on a daily basis and if my post annoy you or anything just don't read it. This website was made for people to talk about their problems and such not for you to tell me oh you are young, it will get better non sense because we are not living in a fairy tale world.

I never said don't vent. That's what this whole forum is for: venting and expressing frustration. That's why I come here. All I'm saying is wait out the HS years and there is a lot of opportunity for things to change. I never said they *would* change, I even specifically said that life won't necessarily be all great, but the opportunity is there and you should at least look forward to that. Obviously nothing I say is going to matter, you seem pretty stuck on being pessimistic about life. I'm a pessimist, too. So, anyway forget what I said. Also, I didn't just post it because of you're post. There were several other posts in which someone wrote "I've never had a gf" so I'm thinking 'cool, someone like me' and then I read that they're like 17 years old. That just made me chuckle.
Re: If you're a teenager please stop with the 'my life is ov

IWouldPreferNotTo said:
Depressed4life said:
First of all, i don't drink in this country and there is no beer in my house. If you want to depend on alcohol to "SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS" then do you because i don't do that. Second of all, stop acting as if everyones life get better when they are adults and that blahblah bullshyt oh it will get better don't worry because thats not always the case. Being a teen doesn't mean that i can't express myself, that i can't be sad or have any problems because i am a teen because a lot of teens experience more crap at a young age than any adult will. If you had something to say to me, you should had said it before, there was no need for you to make a post talking about me "indirectly" because you are "GROWN" and you are not a child. Depression and anxiety are two things that really affected my life as well as my parents and other huge issues that i have. You don't know what it is to walk on my shoes and unless you feel the s.hit i feel you can talk but otherwise talk about yourself. YOu are not me, you don't know my life story or what the fuk i go through on a daily basis and if my post annoy you or anything just don't read it. This website was made for people to talk about their problems and such not for you to tell me oh you are young, it will get better non sense because we are not living in a fairy tale world.

I never said don't vent. That's what this whole forum is for: venting and expressing frustration. That's why I come here. All I'm saying is wait out the HS years and there is a lot of opportunity for things to change. I never said they *would* change, I even specifically said that life won't necessarily be all great, but the opportunity is there and you should at least look forward to that. Obviously nothing I say is going to matter, you seem pretty stuck on being pessimistic about life. I'm a pessimist, too. So, anyway forget what I said. Also, I didn't just post it because of you're post. There were several other posts in which someone wrote "I've never had a gf" so I'm thinking 'cool, someone like me' and then I read that they're like 17 years old. That just made me chuckle.

All this time i took your posts towards me as if you were saying that i am young and that i shouldn't complain. I am a very very very pessimistic person, my life its so shitty that i can't think of ever being happy. I just can't do it no matter what ppl say that things could better or will get better, in my mind i don't see that. In my mind, i have nothing, i am confused all the time, i can smile in a second and a second later i am sad and mad at the world. I can't function really well, i might go around faking it in school or in my job but deep inside i only think what if i had different parents, i would had been happy or stuff like that. I do appreciate that some of the ppl in the site do try to bring up my mood and the way i am feeling...i am always grateful of having ppl that listen to me because in real life...no one knows that i have this issues. However, i am thankful but it doesn't change the fact that my mind and my body feel something different and that my mind has set up a goal for me that says...YOU WILL NEVER BE HAPPY SO WHY CARE. Like i said i do apologize if i sounded kind of harsh or bit.chy, i am not that type of person, i missunderstood your post. I just hope that you can understand that i can't think like you...i just can't.


Well-known member
Hi again! Hey, Depressed4life, you got a job! Yeah! Congratulations! I remember you were looking and having a hard time of it. Do you like it so far? I hope you do!

Anyway, I think what IWouldPreferNotTo is getting at is at 15,16,17 you have soo much more life to live! And when you get older, you look back and say "wtf was I so bummed out about?!" And you realize that you've wasted all this time being an ass (for myself) and being down in the dumps all the time. That's how it is for me, anyhow. I don't want to speak for IWouldPreferNotTo but I think that's where he is coming from. It's not that we don't care or don't have empathy or think you shouldn't vent. It's just that you (not just you specifically but high schoolers in general) are young! And I hate to see someone so young spending so much time feeling sad. 'Cuz someday you won't be young and you'll wonder why you've wasted so much damn time feeling like shizt. :O/


Well-known member
krs2snow said:
Hi again! Hey, Depressed4life, you got a job! Yeah! Congratulations! I remember you were looking and having a hard time of it. Do you like it so far? I hope you do!

Anyway, I think what IWouldPreferNotTo is getting at is at 15,16,17 you have soo much more life to live! And when you get older, you look back and say "wtf was I so bummed out about?!" And you realize that you've wasted all this time being an ass (for myself) and being down in the dumps all the time. That's how it is for me, anyhow. I don't want to speak for IWouldPreferNotTo but I think that's where he is coming from. It's not that we don't care or don't have empathy or think you shouldn't vent. It's just that you (not just you specifically but high schoolers in general) are young! And I hate to see someone so young spending so much time feeling sad. 'Cuz someday you won't be young and you'll wonder why you've wasted so much damn time feeling like shizt. :O/

Well said. I do sympathize with teenagers since i was one and had a lot of problems, but I knew that after graduation a lot could change, so I waited it out.

krs2snow said:
Hi again! Hey, Depressed4life, you got a job! Yeah! Congratulations! I remember you were looking and having a hard time of it. Do you like it so far? I hope you do!

Anyway, I think what IWouldPreferNotTo is getting at is at 15,16,17 you have soo much more life to live! And when you get older, you look back and say "wtf was I so bummed out about?!" And you realize that you've wasted all this time being an ass (for myself) and being down in the dumps all the time. That's how it is for me, anyhow. I don't want to speak for IWouldPreferNotTo but I think that's where he is coming from. It's not that we don't care or don't have empathy or think you shouldn't vent. It's just that you (not just you specifically but high schoolers in general) are young! And I hate to see someone so young spending so much time feeling sad. 'Cuz someday you won't be young and you'll wonder why you've wasted so much damn time feeling like shizt. :O/

DO you think i am depressed because i want to? Do you think i can just say oh i am young let me not be depressed. Its not like, i can't help feeling depressed and wanting to d.ie. I can't help it, its whats my mind its telling me, my life is shi.t so why should i think its going to get better. I been wasting my life since the day i was born, its been 16 years of pure garbage going to 17 in a few months why should i care?...If thinking that i am young and i have "SO MANY YEARS AHEAD OF ME" would solve everything, then no one would be depressed. Like i said, age its just a number, if you are depressed you will be depressed and feel like there is no hope no matter what the age is. Not everyone's life improve after HS so i am not going to think that this is a fairy tale world because if my life was shyt when i was younger when i had less responsabilities what makes me think that after high school when i will need to be independent and go to college at 16 and deal with other pressures...what makes me think i am going to be happy...NOTHING AT ALL. My mind its dictating me to be depressed, suicidal, to hate my parents because its their fault and thats what i am doing. I am empty inside, i have no damn soul and i feel unhuman and nothing that ppl tell me can change the fact unless I D.ie or ki.ll myself. About the job, its good so far but its a pain to be standing up for like 7 hours but money its money. ITs either that, or depend on my father who has money for everyone else except for his family.


Well-known member
Hi Depressed4life. No, I don't think you are depressed because you want to be. I am really not getting on your case, either! I'm really just saying you should try to do everything you can to help yourself feel better! Because you are so young and you do have so many years ahead! I know life can suck and I am not one who believes that it all gets better once you graduate high school. It can get worse, as a matter of fact! (Although, I hope it doesn't!) It just makes me sad to see young people struggling just to feel good about themselves! And, when I look at my own situation, I realize how wasteful it was! I never did anything about it, either. That's why I am saying to do everything in your power to help yourself! Talk to someone, go see a doctor, ask your parents to go to counseling with you, get on meds., make a plan for your future, something! One of the things I never did was make a plan for my future. So when I did graduate, I was even more depressed because I had no I idea what to do with myself! So, maybe setting some goals would be a good start. You could start small. Like setting a goal to save, say, $100 dollars to buy yourself or someone else something special. You already met one goal, you have a Job! That's a great accomplishment! And now you are working it! You haven't quit! That's awesome, especially with SA on your shoulders!
krs2snow said:
Hi Depressed4life. No, I don't think you are depressed because you want to be. I am really not getting on your case, either! I'm really just saying you should try to do everything you can to help yourself feel better! Because you are so young and you do have so many years ahead! I know life can suck and I am not one who believes that it all gets better once you graduate high school. It can get worse, as a matter of fact! (Although, I hope it doesn't!) It just makes me sad to see young people struggling just to feel good about themselves! And, when I look at my own situation, I realize how wasteful it was! I never did anything about it, either. That's why I am saying to do everything in your power to help yourself! Talk to someone, go see a doctor, ask your parents to go to counseling with you, get on meds., make a plan for your future, something! One of the things I never did was make a plan for my future. So when I did graduate, I was even more depressed because I had no I idea what to do with myself! So, maybe setting some goals would be a good start. You could start small. Like setting a goal to save, say, $100 dollars to buy yourself or someone else something special. You already met one goal, you have a Job! That's a great accomplishment! And now you are working it! You haven't quit! That's awesome, especially with SA on your shoulders!

Hey, i know that you aren't getting on my case. Its just i know what you guys are saying but i just can't do it. I am working on calling a psychologist and i need to call my medical insurance first to see psychologists that take my insurance. It is not that easy to just go around and doing things because i am young. I don't feel like i am young at all, i feel like i am 90 and almost dying. I don't care about anything....i just feel hopeless.


Well-known member
I feel so sad that it feels so hopeless for you.

I felt so low as a teen, I had a really bad time, my Dad was abusing me, my mum was severely mentally ill and at 15 I was violently raped and attacked not far from my home by a weird man who lived not far away. My parents just wanted to sweep it away, were so unsupportive. I was called names and told i was dirty. When the police called my parents to say your daughter is in hospital , my dad actual words were 'what do you expect me to do'. They never came to the hospital at all and I was left alone. The only support I got at that time was a lovely police lady who befriended me. I went to court, again alone but couldn't carry on with the stress of it. The b-stard got away with it. School becam unbearable, everyone sniggered when I returned and people who had been my friend avoided me. I left soon after, my exams were very close at that time. Then my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. Believe me, teen or not I wanted to die then.

Anyway life has got better for me. My thoughts at very low times has been that it feels so bad that life can surely only get better. When I got stronger my helplessness turned in to anger and I though I will not let these people take the rest of my life and I left them behind and moved on.

I hope you find your strength soon and in the mean time hang in there.


Well-known member
miss_amy said:
I feel so sad that it feels so hopeless for you.

I felt so low as a teen, I had a really bad time, my Dad was abusing me, my mum was severely mentally ill and at 15 I was violently raped and attacked not far from my home by a weird man who lived not far away. My parents just wanted to sweep it away, were so unsupportive. I was called names and told i was dirty. When the police called my parents to say your daughter is in hospital , my dad actual words were 'what do you expect me to do'. They never came to the hospital at all and I was left alone. The only support I got at that time was a lovely police lady who befriended me. I went to court, again alone but couldn't carry on with the stress of it. The b-stard got away with it. School becam unbearable, everyone sniggered when I returned and people who had been my friend avoided me. I left soon after, my exams were very close at that time. Then my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. Believe me, teen or not I wanted to die then.

Anyway life has got better for me. My thoughts at very low times has been that it feels so bad that life can surely only get better. When I got stronger my helplessness turned in to anger and I though I will not let these people take the rest of my life and I left them behind and moved on.

I hope you find your strength soon and in the mean time hang in there.

Sorry you were put through all that Miss_Amy. I had similar circumstances but not quite as bad.

Depressed4Life: It's great that you're looking into seeing a psychologist. You need to do that now so that your future can be much brighter. You sound too depressed to see things clearly.

miss_amy said:
I feel so sad that it feels so hopeless for you.

I felt so low as a teen, I had a really bad time, my Dad was abusing me, my mum was severely mentally ill and at 15 I was violently raped and attacked not far from my home by a weird man who lived not far away. My parents just wanted to sweep it away, were so unsupportive. I was called names and told i was dirty. When the police called my parents to say your daughter is in hospital , my dad actual words were 'what do you expect me to do'. They never came to the hospital at all and I was left alone. The only support I got at that time was a lovely police lady who befriended me. I went to court, again alone but couldn't carry on with the stress of it. The b-stard got away with it. School becam unbearable, everyone sniggered when I returned and people who had been my friend avoided me. I left soon after, my exams were very close at that time. Then my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. Believe me, teen or not I wanted to die then.

Anyway life has got better for me. My thoughts at very low times has been that it feels so bad that life can surely only get better. When I got stronger my helplessness turned in to anger and I though I will not let these people take the rest of my life and I left them behind and moved on.

I hope you find your strength soon and in the mean time hang in there.

Aww i am really sorry that happened to you. WHen i was like 6 or 7 i was sexually harassed or molested by this kid. At that tiem i didn't know that what he was doing was wrong....and i never told anyone and never really thought about it until i got older. It was really disgusting thinking about what he did. Anyways, i am glad that you are feeling better and i understand perfectly how it feels to be verbally attacked by your parents, my parents aren't as harsh as to leave me alone in the hospital but they can sure tell me some fuk.ed up things....specially my father. My mom once said that she hopes i get pregnant when i was 15...i am still a virgin. One tiem she sai dthat she shouldn't had me that i am stupid and that i will never get a job and that no man would want me...I PROVED HER WRONG. ANyways, thank you so much .


Im 19 and i left school because of my SP when I was 16.

i always used to say I wished school was over.

Now I wish I was back there! life may have seemed rough but when you become an adult you will wish you had enjoyed your younger years more!


Well-known member
ShyDreamer said:
Im 19 and i left school because of my SP when I was 16.

i always used to say I wished school was over.

Now I wish I was back there! life may have seemed rough but when you become an adult you will wish you had enjoyed your younger years more!

Well, do you have a job? Can you support yourself? You still have to make efforts to succeed in life, but you are in control. You don't have to hang out with people you don't like, like you did in HS.


Well-known member
Re: If you're a teenager please stop with the 'my life is ov

IWouldPreferNotTo said:
...talk. After high school (or whatever it's called in your country), everything changes. You get to make the decisions. So, please, if you're 18 or younger, stop with the "I've never had a bf/gf", "life isn't worth living", etc. This doesn't mean that life will be all the great after high school, but give it a chance. I literally LOL when I read "my life is never going to amount to anything... I'm 17 years-old" It's amazing how much my life has improved in the last 10 years.


For me it didn't happen exactly like that... after high school it has been even worse. I had good expectatives about the future but things didn't turned out as I expected.

I guess expectatives doesn't mean anything. Sorry if I am being so pessimistic.


Well-known member
Personally life never seemed like it was "over" until I left high school. That's when reality smacks you in the face and you truly begin to realize that life is never going to be what you hoped it would, no matter your attitude towards it.

Certainly you do have more control over your life once you reach adulthood. You don't have to deal with the sort of people you couldn't stand in high school. Nope. Now you'll have to deal with them at work and everywhere else in the world for the rest of your long, long life.


Well-known member
ljwwriter said:
Personally life never seemed like it was "over" until I left high school. That's when reality smacks you in the face and you truly begin to realize that life is never going to be what you hoped it would, no matter your attitude towards it.

Certainly you do have more control over your life once you reach adulthood. You don't have to deal with the sort of people you couldn't stand in high school. Nope. Now you'll have to deal with them at work and everywhere else in the world for the rest of your long, long life.

You can get a new job. You can get a job where you work primarily by yourself. You can change careers. You can do a lot, you just have to put the effort in. Doesn't mean everything gets better, of course. I just feel like with effort, things *can* get better. My life is a million times better than when I was in HS and college.