I worry i make too much eye contact when talking to someone


Well-known member
I notice at work when someone is talking to me i give good eye contact but almost too good, like i overdo it or something.My co worker called Mark kinda seems nervous about me when i make eye contact with him cause maybe i dont know when to break of my gaze i dunno?

I dont want to make people uncomfortable by giving too much eye contact.Hmm i dont think i overdo it per say , i dunno lol


I feel the same, what i usually do is keep contact when they are talking but when its my turn to talk ill look away in a thinking kind of look (kinda look to the left or right of them) and then contact again. Another good idea is just to see how the person you are talking to uses their eye contact and learn from that.


Active member
Yeah, I think I've been accused once of staring. But I have no idea the proper amount to look at someone in a conversation. If anyone knows a site with rules, please share heh.


I can barely make eye contact with people. I don't know how much to make and where to look otherwise. I just try to seem busy doing something, and I think I look foolish and unorganized.


Well-known member
I do make eye contact when someone is talking, then when they stop i'll sometimes look some more to see what they are doing and see if they are going to talk some more. I kinda take them in, then i look away. I even look at people even when they are not looking at me, or talking to me.


Well-known member
I don't know how to say this but try and like at them when there talking but don't stare at them.Every so often move yours eyes around in between them saying some thing.If that make sense.lol


Well-known member
Sometimes we concentrate way too much on making good eye contact. Sometimes all we focus on is "Ok, I'm looking right into their eyes, this way they'll really think I'm paying attention to them." Well, ask yourself this: Are you paying attention to what they are talking about? If you really focus on their words and what they are saying, the eye contact will come naturally as the conversation flows and you will not have to worry about whether or not you are over-doing it. (Of course this is the ideal situation and it will take practice to perfect it.) I'm still working on it, myself. Maybe some people don't like eye contact...don't look like you are staring them down. Be friendly and smile.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Eye contact is one of the hardest things I have tried to do. I am also afraid of over doing it so I tend to look down or away.


Well-known member
i don't think i make enough, so when I finally do look up into their eyes, I feel like they're thinking "what's wrong with him?"