I wish I was funnier..


Well-known member
I think socializing would be easier if I was funnier. I think that is what a lot of us here would like.



Well-known member
I really wanna see you guys.. How you look like? I read in another threat, people can't go to cinema, can't make a phone conversation, can't fight with police even he is right, what is this all about? I have phobia almost 18 years, i can't stop my self to don't make funny things...

God help you/me


Well-known member
I now go to change smth that i bought 10 days ago.. Probably he won't change it, there will be big fight i am guessing.. I can feel, this is fun for me :)


Well-known member
Successfully covered 50 bucks...! After fighting almost 40 minutes, it was real fight, i got some watchers around me as well.. Never out of mind, never blushed but i was a shake sometimes, its too normal because i was so angry in there.. I even left the shop, when i go out i said "you don't wanna do this, it will make you angry for days, you can't forget this for a long time, do it now..! Get back the money"

Then go back to shop fight again..!!!


Well-known member
I think socializing would be easier if I was funnier. I think that is what a lot of us here would like.


haha let me tell you now, it's not always easier.
i make jokes out of everything, and my best friends are used to it and they like me but sometimes when around new people i don't know when to censor myself and it's not always good. :)


Well-known member
i know men with incredible sense of humor they remain single and now are in their sixties. They were not even ugly , and more - they didnt have any Shyness traces at all.

Is there some self-help book on theme "how to become an asshole for dummies" :roll:

Girls like dumb and simple guys , rethard


Well-known member
Haha :lol: yeh rado, u hit th nail square on the head!
imagine if there was sucha book...Hell, I'd buy two!


Active member
i agree with what someone else said. Im the funny one in most places i go, and inless you know me and know how to take it, i often just end up offending people. dunno half and half is better


Well-known member
rado31 said:
Girls like dumb and simple guys , rethard

How do you say so? Girls like one type only right? The one dump and simple one?? Nothing else.. Hahahahaaa This is girls subconsciousness, whenever they see funny guy, they laugh at him but stay away, huh?

Funny means not only make you laugh.. And girls like all kind of man, even with wall face or outgoing or else..

Don't generalize funny man will be alone.. Who is that guy tell me? One of your neighborhood? I assure you, he must have some problem with staying same girl when he young, keep changing.. Alone in the sixties


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
I think socializing would be easier if I was funnier. I think that is what a lot of us here would like.


Yes you are correct...It is easier to socialize if you are a funny person...But every body is a unique individual, distinct from the other...You should not compare your self to them....They have there own weaknesses and strength and you have your own to...It might be that there strength is your weakness but you have something to that they don't have.

Just always be your self...Take care and God Bless.

"One must learn to love oneself before one can learn to love others."


Well-known member
I find that if I don't try to be funny I'm funnier. I just let it come naturally now, less tense.