yeh know what u mean recluse, they think you think you are better than them but you are just terrified but can't explain this to them!
thanks for the tip shadowcopy..not sure i have the guts to leave my door ajar though! they would all come in, and ask me to come clubbing with them etc. I tell them i know people from another floor so am always tip is to listen to headphones and ignore. Kicking and blowing smoke is hard cruel and immature, no wonder you moved. what, u mean we should all get out of our rooms and socialise? Way i see it we have 2 options equally unfavourable...sit in our rooms and feel no fear, safe, but lonely....or go out, 'socialise', feel scared, depressed, despairing, exhausted by constant negative self-analysis...and come home feeling thoroughly depressed, but with your social needs as a human more fulfilled.
It's why social phobia is so tough to deal with.