I took my pics down...bye website.

FEMALE LOL!!!!!. I don't know why is it that a lot of ppl think that i am male...well i am not. I am a 16 year old female..senior in high school. I AM A GIRL LOL!!!!! Just had to let that out of my system..THIS IS ME PPL!!!

I took the pics down, i am afraid that someone that knows me might read my posts. In the mean while, i am just going to concentrate on working and stupid a.ss school. I just want to finish it and get out of HS!!. SO bye bye website. Take care ppl.


Well-known member
I think people (including me) just assume everyone is male on the internet unless something suggests otherwise.
Or maybe it's that beard you're sporting... :p


Re: ..PPL I AM A..

Depressed4life said:
FEMALE LOL!!!!!. I don't know why is it that a lot of ppl think that i am male...well i am not. I am a 16 year old female..senior in high school. I AM A GIRL LOL!!!!! Just had to let that out of my system.

have any pics?

I do have pics lol. I wouldn't dare post it here, i am scare tha tsomeone that knows me in real life might read all of my post.


Well-known member
you type like a guy? I don't know... I read a couple of posts and thought you were a dude too. :oops: I think you give off this cool badass vibe? :)


Well-known member
I can never tell, I thought people were females on here when they were males, and vice versa.
Oh I'm a guy :p


Well-known member
Hehe. I went to reading festival last year and just as I was leaving this girl threw herself at me shouting "I'M A GIIIRRRLLL!!!!"

I didn't kno what to do I jus ran away :lol: I'm pretty terrible with girls lol


Active member
Great picture, it truly shows to the world that you are 100% female. Now all the drama about people knowing your gender can be over lol. :D


Well-known member
Booh no picture anymore it seems. :< Well we have seen the cute face already. :>


Well-known member
chris420 said:
Hehe. I went to reading festival last year and just as I was leaving this girl threw herself at me shouting "I'M A GIIIRRRLLL!!!!"

I didn't kno what to do I jus ran away :lol: I'm pretty terrible with girls lol

lol! thats an amazing chat up line I should try it.
I missed the pic :-(


Well-known member
Sorry...can't see the pic...so I will deem you male still....awaiting new evidence lol.