I Seen A Doctor Today


Active member
So yeah I was online and heard a knock at the door and I panicked...as you do...went in the kitchen to make it look like I was doing something...my mum answered the door...and to my surprise it was my doctor who had come to see me...

She's been wanting to see me for months now, calling me, sending letters etc but my SA was stopping me from going...

So she was in the living room and I was in the kitchen and I felt like running upstaires and just forgetting about it...then I thought this could be my chance to finally let a doctor know what's really wrong with me.

So I told my Mum to go upstaires and then me and the doctor sat down, and I just let it all out to her and told her everything and whatnot.

I almost cried but I managed to keep it in and she totally understood what I was going through. She was asking me how often I leave the house, if I'm able to go in the back garden, if I can use the phone etc, so that's cool.

So after our chat she said she's referring me to a group who specialises in SA or whoever (dunno what it's called exactly I've forgotten) and they will be coming around to my house & teaching my step by step to learn my confidence about leaving the house and so on. I'm at that stage where I literally don't go out by the way.

She's rung my mum a few times to ask to come round but I felt so stupid for her to do that for me, I guess she knew something was up with me for her to turn up unexpectedly like that, and, I'm glad she did, I'll be getting help and I'm gonna try and put my mind to it and help myself too. I've been very fortunate.

It's strange but I've only just recently been looking up SA on the net for the past two weeks, and already I'm one step further to getting over it, well, I hope so, I won't get ahead of myself because most of the time I just don't have the motivation, and most of the time I just don't want to get over it, but I will try my best & I will be keeping you all updated :).


Well-known member
WOW!!!! Thats Freakin Awesome!!!! Good for you!!! :D and yes, please keep us updated!! Hope it goes well for you:)


Well-known member
I am glad to hear that you have taken a positive step to recovery, if only i had seeked for help sooner.


Well-known member
wow that's great! It takes guts to do that you know. Definitely keep us updated, yeah :D