I Put So Much Into People...


Active member
I feel like I put way more into people than they put into me. I'm the type of person that makes my whole life revolve around a person, and while I know that's not necessarily healthy, it's what I do. I have a small group of people I trust, and I pour my whole self into those people. I do everything I can to make those people happy and encourage them. If they want to do something, even if it's something I hate, I'll do it with them because I want them to like me more and pour more into me. But no one ever pours into me as much as I pour into them. I'm getting sick of it. I feel like I give my whole self to people and they give me almost nothing in return.


Well-known member
Don't. Put more of that into yourself. You lose out on life trying to please others. You lose a bit of yourself the more you give away to others. You'll be happy when you turn that giving nature inside and focus on yourself. It's ok to be selfish in that respect. I've learned so many people do not appreciate a truly kind hearted, compassionate person.


Active member
I know I should, but I can't. I don't have that love for myself. I rely on others to form my life. I know how pathetic and awful that sounds. But it's true. I am not me unless I have other people. I cannot be me without other people to give me something to go off of.


Active member
Story of my life. I stopped pouring into them. Guess what happened? We drifted away because we were never friends. People use you when they have nothing better to do. Haven't spoken to many people like that for a couple years. And til this day, I have never had a real friend.


Well-known member
That's understandable, we all need companionship.....but, maybe they're not the right friends for you (and/or) you might also be over doing it.
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Well-known member
@ AriAbs, are you okay? Like are you happier now since you've drifted from your "friends?" I ask b/c I experienced that and I'm soooo freaking happy. In the end you realize you don't need people to define you.

@Tinkerpunk, find yourself. Learn what makes you happy. Enjoy some you time. You should think of yourself as the most important person in the world. Being so people centric nearly ruined my life and today, I'm rebuilding. You'll be happier. It takes a lot of work, but it's possible to love yourself and not rely on others for happiness and to define yourself.


Well-known member
That sounds very familiar. It's easy to say "they weren't real friends" or "they're not worth it" but it's hard when you hear/read all these stories about friendship and you get so jealous....


Well-known member
Don't. Put more of that into yourself. You lose out on life trying to please others. You lose a bit of yourself the more you give away to others. You'll be happy when you turn that giving nature inside and focus on yourself. It's ok to be selfish in that respect. I've learned so many people do not appreciate a truly kind hearted, compassionate person.

well said.