I need to figure out what's causing my chronic congestion.


Well-known member
anyone have any experience

my nose is always congested

im 18, ive had allergy tests done(skin prick), showing nothing major
normal reactions to dust,
some allergies to some pollens and molds

i'm in southern california

i don't have sneezing, itchy/watery eyes, or anything like that

it's just the tissue inside my nose swollen

i think it may be something to with diet
as i found out, my sinus aches went away when i stopped consuming so much dairy, but my congestion didnt improve much

any tips

i could live with congestion, but i miss being able to breathe freely
haven't been able to for like 8 years probably

i use saline nasal rinses daily, flonase nose spray, have had 2 turbinate reductions (helped temporarily, swollen again soon after)

it wouldnt bother me so much if it didnt also affect my appearance
it makes my nose swell up and get thicker,

on days when it's better, my nose is noticeably thinner/ better looking

anyone have experience with this???
it's also so hard to avoid dairy, i might need to be completely cut out any last trace of it for a while to notice effects


Well-known member
my diet is very healthy
not a lot of junk food

i have noticed periods when my nose is less congested
but it's very rare and i don't think it's related to the season


Well-known member
maybe^ pollution
man, i was looking forward to going to ucla if i got in
but how would northern california/san fran area compare in terms of pollution

maybe i should go somewhere else for college

the hepa air purifier? ya maybe, but outside it still happens
i've always had this weird idea that bad things have come about from living in this house
or even have come from being close to my dad
our house is like crummier than most people's and we're like in the top 3% financially
strong wtf
maybe there's like asbestos or something because we have those ceilings that likely have asbestos in them (the popcorn ones) and chit has been thrown up there and knocked little pieces off...


Well-known member
da fuarkkk?????

"Other side effects may include sneezing, sore throat, nosebleeds, runny nose, nasal congestion, sinusitis, nasal dryness, or unpleasant taste. Headache, dizziness, itching, wheezing, skin rash, and nausea have also been reported"

side effects include congestion, isn't that what it's for???

also.. this...
"The problem with oral steroids, however, is that they come with a long list of side effects if they are used on a regular basis (cataracts, glaucoma, fluid retention, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, weakened bones, peptic ulcer, mood swings, etc.)

Ingredients in nasal sprays, however, are less likely to be absorbed into the body and cause such serious adverse reactions. "