I need advice on my contamination issue!!!

I need some advice or tips on how to deal with part of my OCD. This is all rather new to me as my OCD didn't get really bad till last year but one of the horrible parts about this is I don't like to be touched. I have never been a overly affectionate person and save for my mother and grandmother I really don't like to hug other people. But before I would just power through it and feel a bit off about the whole experience. About a week ago I had to go into see the doctor for a physical which I haven't had in a very long time since the idea of them touching my skin makes me want to douse myself in antibacterial gel. But I did it because they need to do this to make sure everything is going well and my medication for the OCD. This experience though sent me over the edge. It was so invasive that I don't want anyone to touch me not even my family or friends. And when someone does I have to rub the spot with antibacterial gel because if I don't it will feel like their hands are on me all day. I really need advice on how to handle this or something that might have worked for someone else because this weekend is the fourth of July and my family is coming for the fireworks my nephew in particular. He is just a kid and doesn't understand that I am having this problem and I don't want him to touch me. It's hard to explain to a kid that you don't want them to touch you based on the fact that I believe all children to be sticky little germ factories. I want to be able to figure out a way to not freak out if he holds my hand or gives me a hug. It's painful not being able to hug people like my mom but she at least understands why and gives me space with this. But not being able to hug my nephew hurts so much because I love the little germ factory to death. So please any advice or tips you have please let me know because at this point I am open to anything.


Well-known member
I'm sorry you are going thru this. I can relate to it.
The only advice I can offer is to force yourself to be contaminated.


Well-known member
Well, I think little munchkins can be totally cute too!!

What if you teach him how to wash hands etc? Would that help? (Of course don't exaggerate, just normal washing of hands... or maybe some other family member could 'supervise'?)
Or if you establish certain 'ground rules' - eg no touching of floor etc if he wants to hold your hand or eat or hug etc?

How old is he? What situations would be most 'difficult'? If he doesn't have a cold/disease, and has clean hands and clothes, would it be okay?

Also, know your immune system gets STRONGER with some exposure to mini-germs... (the harmless ones) (Actually anti-bacterial soap can kill the harmless germs and create 'superbugs' that can be way more difficult to deal with.. so some dirt is HEALTHY!! within reason, of course!!)

And did you know that probiotics are made of - baby poo??
(Actually from useful bacteria isolated from that...?)
Puts things into a perspective, hey?

And Zac on this site and my older neighbour kiss their dogs (which carry even more germs - and survive!!) The thought of that can be a bit helpful too!! Although I don't reccomend it!!
To hug a kiddie is way better than kissing a dog I guess!!

Otherwise I think you could maybe distract your nephew with other things and non-touching games maybe? Like guessing games, eg 'I see something red... what is it?' or such?
Or things that require him to run around... (Though maybe a game where he has to touch something/someone you mention, eg 'touch something red/a bodypart/object' - therby learning colors or bodyparts in a foreign language, would probably not be best with regard to your condition... kids usually love this though lol..)

Worst case you could maybe say something like 'bad back' (and so no jumping/hanging on you - worked when I had back problems, or just look strict? :)) though I usually recommend honesty... Don't know how to explain it to a kid - maybe if his hands are dirty then he'd understand that you can hold hands when he'll have clean/washed hands...?
Or just wash your hands afterwards...?
He is going to be 9 in August, and while he understand a lot of what goes on around I don't think he would get this. He is very sensitive about stuff and telling him I don't want him to hug me or touch me would really upset him because somehow he would think it was his fault and I wouldn't want to crush him like that.

I love your idea of the games to distract him because we do have some games that do not require touching of any kind and he would be thrilled with just doing that. As for him being unclean that is more in my head then anything. My sister is a grade school teacher so she is super on top of the washing the hands and general hygiene. I have just always felt that way about kids but not this bad. I just kind of want to wait till he is a bit older to tell him about what is going on because he understand a lot but this is something that even my family members who are older are having trouble understanding.


Well-known member
Hmm, If you have a spare laptop, you could give it to him so that he plays some computer games all the time, you could just sit near him and give some tips.


Well-known member
you could wear one of these:
