I like girls.


Well-known member
Rodox said:
shield said:
What are you guys talking about? All guys like women.
Not all young Padawan,not all,you have to learn before you fall in a trap.
My master told me that early in my training. That I should trust my feelings when I sense that something is strange.


Well-known member
omg I have exact the same thing :d
sometimes I think "what if I was a girl?" I often think that socializing is way easier for them...even the biggest "losers" or "no-lifers" have friends and constantly hug each other... it's like one big community...all happy together...


She's the only one I loved but I realized that I must love myself first before loving others. I'll try to forget about her and focus on my abnormal problems first.


Well-known member
NightTimeForever said:
Yeh, I like girls too :)

But, I'm so intimidated by them for some strange reason.

I am too but it really is not that strange. It is really hard because if you think about it they have the power to reject us.


Well-known member
Zipper said:
Girls and their bewbies. :lol:
Yeah those 2 things stare at you in a such evil way. At the same time they hypnotize you to make you stare back even though you know you shouldn't.