I keep having panic attacks before school


Every day it seems before i go to school, I'm at home and I have panic attacks. I get really anxious and paranoid. I feel my chest tighten up, stomach bottom out, and lots of mental anxiety. Only thing that seems to help is Xanax but its getting annoying. Why do I keep going through panic attacks EVERYDAY?


Well-known member
When I used to have panic attacks I would always get them in situations where I had them before. If for instance I was watching a TV show and I had a panic attack, I could never watch that show again because it would trigger another one, even if the show itself was not the reason for the first attack. Just having the show linked to an attack would bring others.


Are you nervous about going to school? Did you have a traumatic experience at school? It must have something to do with school that makes you nervous and is causing you to have panic attacks.


Well-known member
I used to get them on the bus REAL bad and I thought I would poop my pants and I ran to the bathroom as soon as I got to school and it SUCKED.