I just want peace.

Sick Nick

Active member
If I had it my way the world would go back to simpler times. Back when there were villages and the goal was to provide food, shelter, clothing, etc. for the greater good of the community. Kind of like the Amish but less hardcore about religion and control. I just want true freedom. To have my life serve a true purpose, doing something I believe in and enjoy doing. A comfortable stress free environment. And love. To be with family and friends. That's my perfect world. If I grew up in that type of situation maybe I would not have this mental illness and my mind and body so poisoned. I would ask why but there is no one answer to why the world is the way it is. It's not going to change in my lifetime. Not unless I win the lotto or get rich somehow. I would do some good if I had money like that. Right now I'm just fighting to survive and to stay sane.... God help us all.