i have to attention span of a goldfish...


I don't know if its just me but I seem to find it difficult to keep focused a lot of the time, like I tend to space out with my mind being elsewhere. Its hard for me to pay attention to people while they're talking to me and I tend to lose interest easily in what they say even though I want to be social.

My mind also draws a blank most of the time, especially when I'm around people that I just met or even people that I've known for ages. Its kinda frustrating when I feel stupid for not remembering what people say to me 5 seconds ago or I have no response because I'm drawing a blank so I just agree with them or whatever... :S

Its like I'm disconnected from the world and that I dont care even though I want to be part of it... anyone else feel the same?

btw is it all in my head or could it be physical because I'm not getting enough nutrients or something? (i should probably see a doctor or something ey? haha)


Well-known member
Hmm...yeah sometimes things like attention can be attributed to diet/nutrients etc. It might be worthwhile looking into, like making a list of what a normal weekly diet for you is.

I find with all the worrying going on in my head most of the time, it's hard to concentrate on one thing for a significant period of time.


Well-known member
I have the exact same problem. I consider it my biggest problem because it gets in the way of me progressing. One moment I could be sitting at my desk doing some homework, then all of a sudden I'm standing in the corner of the room, looking at the ceiling, not even knowing what I'm doing there, like I totally blanked out and someone took over my body. It takes me hours to do what a normal person can do in maybe less than an hour. I've even tried taping myself to a chair, no kidding, and it didn't work! I'm currently investigating whether it's because of a lack of exercise and sunlight. I eat healthy so I know it's not that.


Well-known member
I can't stay that still for very long. I probably get up and walk around about every 15 to 20 minutes if I'm watching TV. But I can't just watch TV, I usually watch TV whilst listening to music and surfing the internet. I'll pay attention to whichever of those things is the most interesting at that moment.

I have a lot of brain chatter going on most of the time which is very distracting, so my concentration is pretty poor. This doesn't help with OCD as when I'm working I make myself remember tightening every single nut and bolt and process so have to check and re-check many times.

Apart from that I also have a shocking short term memory. The other day my mum asked me to bring something in from the garage when I was locking it up. I joked that I would forget and went outside to lock up. I'd gone without the keys and locked the padlock and was shocked when I could open the other door lock which required the key. So I had to go back in for the keys but had totally forgotten to bring the drink in. This was really strange because one of my ocd's is about locking doors and I was convinced I had locked it.


Well-known member
I will stay focused to something for a few minutes and then I get board all the time.