I have a new job on Monday, and I'm scared


I'm starting work in a very busy fish and chip shop on Monday. I have an appalling memory, people are going to order things, and I'm not going to remember who ordered what and who to give it to. I find it hard to distinguish what face wants what, and this confusion is catapulted by my social anxiety. I worry customers are going to get really angry at me, or humiliate me. I have had 2 call centre jobs that I completely stuffed up on on my first days, and it has really dented my confidence.

I'm worried sick about it, and no one understands me.


Well-known member
I'm starting work in a very busy fish and chip shop on Monday. I have an appalling memory, people are going to order things, and I'm not going to remember who ordered what and who to give it to. I find it hard to distinguish what face wants what, and this confusion is catapulted by my social anxiety. I worry customers are going to get really angry at me, or humiliate me. I have had 2 call centre jobs that I completely stuffed up on on my first days, and it has really dented my confidence.

I'm worried sick about it, and no one understands me.

You should take confidence in the fact that you got the job in the first place and also let your boss know that you're a bit worried how you'll perform. This way you take the pressure off yourself and you can stay more on focus on your customers. You could also write there orders into a note book if you're worried you'll forget there order- that's what I would do!


Well-known member
easy just get a big notepad and write it down lol , thats what they do at a lot of takeway shops round here with the big orders .... then turn over the page to the next one , you will really only need to use it on the bit bigger orders you will be fine ;)


Well-known member
easy just get a big notepad and write it down lol , thats what they do at a lot of takeway shops round here with the big orders .... then turn over the page to the next one , you will really only need to use it on the bit bigger orders you will be fine ;)

You beat me to it! Whoever invented paper is a genius!

But remember....don't waste too much, after all paper doesn't grow on trees! Har har har.


Well-known member
You beat me to it! Whoever invented paper is a genius!

But remember....don't waste too much, after all paper doesn't grow on trees! Har har har.

actually the person above my thread beat me to it luke :D only just though :rolleyes:
It's ok. Everyone is anxious on the first day of the job. Heck I was often always anxious right to the last day, but it usually gets easier with time.

The only job that I had no problems whatsoever was being a candy floss man. That was really mechanical.


Well-known member
I'm starting work in a very busy fish and chip shop on Monday. I have an appalling memory, people are going to order things, and I'm not going to remember who ordered what and who to give it to. I find it hard to distinguish what face wants what, and this confusion is catapulted by my social anxiety. I worry customers are going to get really angry at me, or humiliate me. I have had 2 call centre jobs that I completely stuffed up on on my first days, and it has really dented my confidence.

I'm worried sick about it, and no one understands me.

One thing that might help is knowing that LOTS of people understand you. I have a fairly bad memory, too. I have to make a million notes for myself to remember stuff, but that is NOTHING compared with my sister. She forgets EVERYTHING and it drives her crazy. She actually beats herself up for it a lot. She's constantly burning things when she cooks and just forgetting to do simple little things. But she keeps a planner and writes things down and it's not so bad anymore. But the thing is, SHE works as a barista. So she spends her days having to fill orders and give them to the right people, too. But she writes down the orders and the names that go with them so that she can just call the name when it's ready. Also, if you forget something just tell the person that you're sorry, but you are a really forgetful person! And if they get angry at you then that's THEIR problem! Working in food service almost guarantees that people will get angry and be rude to you. The only defense is to know that you are doing the best you can and that's perfectly good enough! Some people are just impatient and rude, it's not you.

My sister told me that she used to be really against writing things down and making notes for herself. She thought that she shouldn't need it, because other people didn't. So she would just get really mad at herself for forgetting stuff. Then she just accepted that she was forgetful and started writing stuff down and now she remembers a lot and it's not a huge problem anymore.


Well-known member
The first day is always the hardest.

One idea I heard once, but never seen anyone actually do, is not to put the money in the cash register immediately, but put it on it\near it weighted down by something so if there is a dispute about what amount you were given it is still there so there can not be any disputes.


Well-known member
But she keeps a planner and writes things down and it's not so bad anymore. But the thing is, SHE works as a barista. So she spends her days having to fill orders and give them to the right people, too. But she writes down the orders and the names that go with them so that she can just call the name when it's ready.

Sounds like a good idea, match a name with the orders and when its ready, you can just call the name and you'll know who ordered what.


Well-known member
First of all well done on getting a job! :) I too have a really bad memory and with the nerves i forget even more because i concentrate too much on how i'm coming across to other people. I agree with the others maybe get yourself a notepad then there's no for forgetting hehe. ;)