I hate people

I know, before I say much I don't hate everyone, but a lot of people still. I am currently sitting here, it is 5:30 am, and I was trying to sleep, till my freaking neighbor in these community apartments on campus, proceed to rip his window screen open, climb in and then turn on his bass music. Needless to say I hate noise like that and now can't sleep. This isn't the first time either, and he also proceeds to smoke out his window which comes in mine. There is also a group of people below me that play bass music all day, shaking the floor and walls up here. Why do these people insist on this crap. If it wasn't for my avoidance of everyone, I would be yelling at them, but I can't even do that right.

We are suppose to have RA's that are to take care of all that, but not only can I not call them during the day, but definitely not when they are sleeping. It wouldn't matter anyway, they can never around when they are suppose to be and they themselves are freaked up too.

I so so hate these type of people, no respect for others, no thought for others, and they get away with it.


Well-known member
Send the police to their door.

Yup, do that. I had a neighbor where I last lived that used to be really noisy... that b**tch wouldn't let me sleep on many occassions. People like that DO SUCK... I always felt like rushing upstairs and kicking everyone's ass... but my SA stopped me. I just moved out.... turned out to be better.
Send the police to their door and laugh your ass off when the cops handle it. Thats what I like doing, watching from afar and laughing.
Yup, do that. I had a neighbor where I last lived that used to be really noisy... that b**tch wouldn't let me sleep on many occassions. People like that DO SUCK... I always felt like rushing upstairs and kicking everyone's ass... but my SA stopped me. I just moved out.... turned out to be better.

Same here, sometimes I wish I could kick down their door and take a shotgun to their stereo.


Well-known member
Ah that sucks! I know how you feel about these inconsiderate people. I recently had a horrible dorm experience and hated everyone in my hall. There'd be people smoking right outside my window, and my room was next to an exit door so people would be going in and out at like 4 am and sometimes bang the door against my window. It was horrible!