
j_brown3 said:
i know he had no control over himself, the emotions get so strong that there is no stoping you, its like when you want to cut yourself or whatever you just do it coz you feel the strong pain and need to do it, and cant stop it, even if it harms you, like lonely looser who ended up alone, which was the last thing he wanted.

i said people who killed while sleep walking have been excused for murder, it happened once in the US if i remeber right, but most of the time, they still are found guilty. i just tried to compare it to something

i see one side of the story, you people you see the other one coz you dont know how painfull it is.

if it were my forum i would delete the posts from lonelylooser and after he apologised as he did, i would let him be and give him another chance

its just my opinion though,

btw saying he is not a baby is just wrong, he feels in such a pain that he cant control himself. and being banned when already feeling so alone is painfull

we could all say ahh dont be such a baby be social nothing is going to happen, ahh dont be such a baby and be so sensitive about what he said to you.... its just wrong, thats painful to you so you act like a baby about it so does he to things that hurt him

just stop it all, he is a guy obviously with a lot of issues, he needs help and i hope he will find it, iam sure he is a great guy beneath all this, his emotional pain is just so strong at the moment and got the better of him


So everyone who thinks about hurting themselves does it? No one has any control? Stop talking like you know everyone on this forum, because you don't.

How is saying he is not a baby wrong? He needs to take responsibility for his actions because he is 21 year old, he is an adult hes not a 5 year old in a temper tantrum.

I'm going to be honest here and say parts of your post doesn't make much sense....

edit: I'm not going to reply to the below post because its so incoherent. :S


El4d said:
j_brown3 said:
i know he had no control over himself, the emotions get so strong that there is no stoping you, its like when you want to cut yourself or whatever you just do it coz you feel the strong pain and need to do it, and cant stop it, even if it harms you, like lonely looser who ended up alone, which was the last thing he wanted.

i said people who killed while sleep walking have been excused for murder, it happened once in the US if i remeber right, but most of the time, they still are found guilty. i just tried to compare it to something

i see one side of the story, you people you see the other one coz you dont know how painfull it is.

if it were my forum i would delete the posts from lonelylooser and after he apologised as he did, i would let him be and give him another chance

its just my opinion though,

btw saying he is not a baby is just wrong, he feels in such a pain that he cant control himself. and being banned when already feeling so alone is painfull

we could all say ahh dont be such a baby be social nothing is going to happen, ahh dont be such a baby and be so sensitive about what he said to you.... its just wrong, thats painful to you so you act like a baby about it so does he to things that hurt him

just stop it all, he is a guy obviously with a lot of issues, he needs help and i hope he will find it, iam sure he is a great guy beneath all this, his emotional pain is just so strong at the moment and got the better of him


So everyone who thinks about hurting themselves does it? No one has any control? Stop talking like you know everyone on this forum, because you don't.

How is saying he is not a baby wrong? He needs to take responsibility for his actions because he is 21 year old, he is an adult hes not a 5 year old in a temper tantrum.

I'm going to be honest here and say parts of your post doesn't make much sense....

who said everyone? the ones who do it obviously have no control over it, who else would hurt himself on purpose? dont have any idea what you tryin to say here.
do you think that i said everyone who is in pain cuts himself? oh sorry darling i didnt explain in detail, i didnt mean everyone does it, oh i sure didnt mean to say i know everyone on the forum, and claim they cut themselves because they are in pain. iam so sorry sweetheart. forgive me

ok man, next time someone hurts you and you cry about it on a forum iam gona say to you, your a baby grow the fuck up, an adult shouldnt cry about stuff like that,

do you every time someone acts like a baby when its inapropriate go down on them?

maybe the one who acts like a baby is in pain?

so everyone with social anxiety is a baby to you?

do you realize that you could say the same thing, that a social phobic acts like a baby?

your nothing better than a parent who goes down on a social phpbic, belittles him for acting like a baby and forces him to go and find a job. iam talking about one who has a strong social phobia

oh and dont tell me its different? its the same thing, just different situation

cant believe the selfishness on this forums, which are supposed to be here for support

thanks for the honesty that my posts dont make much sense. i appreciate that,iam gonna cry about it like a baby if i may, hope you have nothing against that