I hate my face shape


Well-known member
Okay, well let me give a description of how my face looks like. I basically have balloon shaped head(that's what my sister said to me once). I have a small forehead, big eyes, small lips, small chin/jaw that makes my lips stick out from side to side, my nose points upward, and my face is really round. I hate the way it's shaped and it just looks so small. I see a lot of people who have noses pointing down, slimmer looking faces with big chins and they still look great on camera or in person. I'll even admit that I hate smiling on camera because it makes me look so weird and unattractive::(:. Is this just what I have is "baby fat" that will go away as I get older or is there anyway I can make it appear that it looks slimmer. Could exercising help too?


Well-known member
Without a photo, it's hard to tell whether your assessment is objective, but big eyes are usually seen as very desirable.

If you do want to do something about it, there are plenty of tricks that you can do with hair style and make up and even neckline to change the way it appears.


Well-known member
Wow, our face shapes are a lot alike. Actually it seems like I could've written this thread, lol. I've never liked my face shape. I, too, have a small forehead, big eyes (which I love though), a small chin/jaw that makes my mouth stick out (and it looks hideous viewed from the side), my nose isn't pointed upwards as it's just quite straight and prominent. No upwards or downwards curve, just rounded at the end. And my face is very round too.

Like Aletheia already suggested, there are a number of ways with necklines, makeup, and hairstyles that make your face appear longer. I've always wanted to try the tricks with makeup, but I'm too afraid to actually pursue it. I do wear lots of scoop necks and v-necks though with my clothes, which helps with the "lengthening" of my face.

As for hairstyles, they can be tricky, especially if you have curly hair like me. Straight hair looks A LOT better on me, but I don't like to fry my hair everyday with a straightener. So instead, I opt for a long layered cut to keep my curls under control and sit better on my head instead of all over. ::p: I also have side swept bangs, which help make your forehead appear longer.

You might grow into your face as you grow older too. I'm almost 19 and I'm JUST starting to get the cheekbones I've always wanted. ::p: Okay, so they're not that deep set and still round (and smallish), but at least they're a bit more noticeable!