i feel unreal.

Sometimes when I walk past people, I begin to feel unreal and dizzy. like I don't know myself and then my head spins. I feel a lot of stress so much so that my vision is different, my sight isn't clear because I start to see cloudy and double. I get headaches because of it,and I feel like I'm an alien zombie when I walk past people, or if I'm feeling this way when I'm alone.
I feel worried about my health, why does my body react like this everyday?
Why do I feel so numb and weird?

It seems like..
-Eye sight problems
-Migraine/Headache ?
-Almost starting to faint ?
-Not enough of vitamins even though I did a test?
-A lack of sleep
-Not eating enough of food ? I don't eat a lot, even though I should. Somedays I eat a lot, somedays I eat a little. Today It's OK :)
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i really think this is such a stupid topic..:$:( but i wish i could feel better and not so weird like this
Sounds like panic attack.

really? well i do feel a lot of tension and feeling like my mouth gets dry
but i don't feel like a huge panic attack, but mostly when i experience it, it comes to that eventually. I seriously hate my panic attacks
Good list actually, and you should check it out one by one, add to it 'low blood pressure'.

Well, this looks like sever anxiety for me. I cannot decide if you need meds, may be you should consider that and see someone.

I can tell you one thing, I have my reasons to believe this is also age-related state of anxiety. I think it will go milder as you get older. But check the biological causes first, and try also more CBT, even with some useful books.

Thanks for your reply, Basil.
Well I already kinda knew I suffer from severe Anxiety since my life has been really rough dealing with SA, GAD and other anxieties. About meds, I don't know if they could reduce it, if I would take meds, I have to take addictive meds, since my anxiety is so High, my psychiatrist doesn't allow this. Even though I asked her if she could prescribe me Clonazepam or Xanax.. I only may take Oxazepam in ''emergency moments''..... like Panic attacks and such.
Or a REAL big event happening, whenever I need to calm down.

Age related, hmm... Well I'm almost grown out from Puberty, I'm 19.
So I hope it is, so I can grow out of these anxiety triggering hormones or whatever it is.

CBT is a good thing, but I do follow therapy already, it's more based on Mind Fulness and Strategies to cope with heavy emotions to get a grip on your emotions and learning to change, and find acceptance in the first place.

Do you recommend any nice books?
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I sometimes feel like i go into auto-piolet and have no control over what im doing.

Same here, I know what you mean.
Exactly when I'm feeling anxious, I feel like a trippin' robot on auto-piolet,
like being controlled by fear and feel like electricity is shocking me :S
Soo hard to control SA, because anxiety is a natural emotion.
But if it becomes a natural process everyday in your life,
it's hard to kick out of your life, and that's a long road to walk on.


Well-known member
When socialphobia started hitting me really hard, I used to feel a little dizzy walking past people. Then I got used to the phobia I guess.


When socialphobia started hitting me really hard, I used to feel a little dizzy walking past people. Then I got used to the phobia I guess.

Me too...

These days I can talk to most anybody as long as the conversation doesn't turn in a direction i'm uncomfortable with, or I am talking to somebody who has some sort of authority. Or a handful of other situations will set me off, too. Then i'm back to being dizzy and trying to survive through the conversation.

Curious - Do other people get the feeling they've been hit in the back of the head in a quick, sudden surge, when they feel anxious? As soon as something uncomfortable happens, its like almost instantaneous.