I feel so LONELy

I seriously just spend my days on the computer hearing music and i just feel so lonely. I am sick of feeling desperate and suicidal is like i can't control my damn self. I am always stressed out and unhappy and i just can't live like this anymore. I feel like no one gives a shyt about me, i dont have anyone to talk to and tell them how i feel. I am just so fuc.king sick of this fucked up world.


Well-known member
How old are you? Do you work or go to school? They seem to help me, because it forces me to leave my house for a while.

I am 17 years old and i just got back from the Dominican Republic. I had a job before i left there for vac but i quit because the boss was an asshole. I just have a really hard time telling people my feelings because as usual they say is all on your mind. I speak to Samantha shes my best friend i met her in this website i forgot her nickname here. I already finish HS when i was 16 and i am going to college in January which i don't want to go but i am being forced to.
I thought you have a bf? Don't you talk to him often?

Same situation as me. I just spend my days on my computer posting here, playing games, or listening to music but I realized that I've wasted enough time in my life. I also realized that there's no way that I'll be like this forever, I mean come on life is way too short so why do I have to be like this? I know myself that I have to change- I have to.

I'm 19 now and I feel very empty. Sometimes I think about what I can do if I didn't have this fear. I know that I can do it, it's just that my mind goes automatic and I cannot control it. You know what I mean right? It's so hard because it's mental. Mental problem is the worst problem a person could have IMO. I wish I had a different problem.

So I still go to my computer often but now I also listen to my NLP mp3 that I found. It's really helpful. Day by day, it seems that my mind is thinking much better. Plus my brother just arrived and he had to live with us and we had to share rooms. I'm the kind of person who's used to have roommates so I just mostly just listen to that mp3 in the living room or somewhere quiet. I'm on my computer now because they went somewhere.

The most important thing that I learned in life is that you need to live your life like every moment counts or you'll regret it. We're just not aware that every seconds every day that we're not taking actions, we're wasting time and that time cannot be brought back. Instead of feeling sorry, why not just use that time for something usefull? Maybe clean your house or something or keep looking for a cure and who knows, something might work for you.

Seize the day.


Re: ...

Depressed4life said:
I am 17 years old and i just got back from the Dominican Republic. I had a job before i left there for vac but i quit because the boss was an asshole. I just have a really hard time telling people my feelings because as usual they say is all on your mind. I speak to Samantha shes my best friend i met her in this website i forgot her nickname here. I already finish HS when i was 16 and i am going to college in January which i don't want to go but i am being forced to.

Hey long time no see :) Ya always welcome to come and spk to me on msn ya know.. I know that wont magicaly fix your problems but if you just need to vent or anything.Ive missed ya since ya buggered off on ya holidays.Hope you enjoyed them tho?Must maybe feel hard coming back to every day life,but maybe being forced into college (even tho i dont agree with someone being forced) might be just what you need,to be around people your own age and stuff and just feel good about yaself because ya doing somthing constructive.Thats how i felt when i was at college.You did so well with work despite that official nob jockey of a manager so i have faith ya can cope wid college.

Btw im pretty sure i talk to the same samantha aswell! :eek: Well i say talk but its more like i peck her head :lol:
I feel exactly how you describe :/. Everyday is exactly the same and I feel like I am gonna go insane. I can't take this anymore. All I do is sit here all day long waiting for the day to end. Never talking to anyone, or never even going outside at all. I haven't tallked to anyone in real life in oooh so long. I don't what else to say, but I can tell you it sucks :(.


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
I feel exactly how you describe :/. Everyday is exactly the same and I feel like I am gonna go insane. I can't take this anymore. All I do is sit here all day long waiting for the day to end. Never talking to anyone, or never even going outside at all. I haven't tallked to anyone in real life in oooh so long. I don't what else to say, but I can tell you it sucks :(.

Take it slow, go for a walk to the shops or a park and soak it all in, its the practice of getting out and living how you want that'll make talking to people peripheral to your goals ...tell yourself that awkward is normal, and it really is, you'll be fine ..