I don't like most people....


Well-known member
It just occurred to me that I don't like most people. I wish I did like these people but I don't. I guess I like probably 15 percent of the people I meet. I am also well aware that I am the problem. Don't get me wrong. I want to love everyone. However, I don't trust or like many. It could be a control thing....... That’s what they say......


Well-known member
I'm the same, I think I have this deeply ingrained belief that most people are untrustworthy or judgmental and will ridicule me at the slightest opportunity.


Active member
There are times when I meet certain kinds of people, I quickly have a feeling of "I don't want to deal with their crap."

Then there are people who tend to just be reciprocal of how I treat/come off to them.

There are those strange times when I was sure that I didn't like a particular person... only to give them a benefit of a doubt and treated them well... they suddenly became friendly.
Times like these makes me feel that I can get along with anyone and learn to like them.

So in conclusion, I think I like people who only care to like me/or others in general as well... and find this logically sound... as those who do not care or not willing to get along with others (by showing it in their behavior) is just impossible. They might change their minds... but I think it's a selfish thing to try to make someone change it.


Well-known member
I am like this sometimes. I used to be a lot worse, but now I make a conscious effort to give the person a chance to show a side I'll like. Too many times I've made a judgment call on someone (said they were stuck-up or annoying) only to find out later that they're a cool person.


The funny thing is that we, along with other know that the problem is us. However, the problem is hardly ever defined for other people. We don't want to have people judge us because of our anxiety because we feel they don't understand our anxiety.

Oddly, all we really want is for people to understand and accept our condition. If we consistently put off explaining our anxieties then how are people going to understand and accept us?



Well-known member
I can only think of one person i truly like...I genuinely don't like humans as a species I think :roll:

Much prefer horses! :lol:


Well-known member
If your thoughts are generally negative, then you will tend to see the worst in other people.

Just think, what are you seeing in them that you don't like? If the reasons seem irrational then maybe try and work out your underlying prejudices, and question how valid they are


Well-known member
sometimes I think I value animal life more than human lives. Humans can be so cruel
BTW corainder, I LOVE ur signature! where did u steal it from? :p

coriander1992 said:
I can only think of one person i truly like...I genuinely don't like humans as a species I think :roll:

Much prefer horses! :lol:


Well-known member
creep_x said:
sometimes I think I value animal life more than human lives. Humans can be so cruel
BTW corainder, I LOVE ur signature! where did u steal it from? :p

coriander1992 said:
I can only think of one person i truly like...I genuinely don't like humans as a species I think :roll:

Much prefer horses! :lol:

Lol thanks
It's part of the chorus for the song "Mad World". Couldn't tell you who it's by, though!


Well-known member
stardog said:
If your thoughts are generally negative, then you will tend to see the worst in other people.

Just think, what are you seeing in them that you don't like? If the reasons seem irrational then maybe try and work out your underlying prejudices, and question how valid they are

Here are some reasons why I tend to dislike most people:

- They irritate me. I don't know why, but I have a really low tolerance for annoying things, and things that other people might find a little annoying are extremely annoying to me. I know I shouldn't be irritated by little things, but that doesn't stop me.

- When not being irritating, I find most people to be boring. I find myself boring too, but at least I don't have to listen to myself.

- People make so many mistakes, or have so many misconceptions, yet they have no idea they are wrong. Whenever I see someone do or say something wrong, I really really want to them to know they're wrong. It's like some sort of vindictive, nasty streak in me which I don't like, but which has been with me forever.

I know this is not normal, but I don't see how I can change. Maybe I can learn to hide my dislike of people, or even pretend to like people more, but no amount of therapy or counselling would change how I really feel inside. Maybe surgery or drugs will be able to do that one day, but until then I'm stuck with these feelings.


Well-known member
I don't have an automatic hate for people but even if I like them I still feel wary about lettig them too close or knowing to much about me. People who have let me down in the past have started off nice the turned nasty. I have this feeling that everyone is after something. On the few occasions I have fallen for trusting someone I have been proven right and they have done something. Recently I made friends witha woman who worked for me...turned out she was just fishing for business information, she then stole my book of business contacts and suppliers, left work, quit by text and set up in competition. She's been dealt with legally and has gone down the pan now but things like this just make me feel right that I should trust no one.

I can think of about 10 people who have started off being friends then doing something nasty to me.


Well-known member
blackcap said:
stardog said:
If your thoughts are generally negative, then you will tend to see the worst in other people.

Just think, what are you seeing in them that you don't like? If the reasons seem irrational then maybe try and work out your underlying prejudices, and question how valid they are

Here are some reasons why I tend to dislike most people:

- They irritate me. I don't know why, but I have a really low tolerance for annoying things, and things that other people might find a little annoying are extremely annoying to me. I know I shouldn't be irritated by little things, but that doesn't stop me.

- When not being irritating, I find most people to be boring. I find myself boring too, but at least I don't have to listen to myself.

- People make so many mistakes, or have so many misconceptions, yet they have no idea they are wrong. Whenever I see someone do or say something wrong, I really really want to them to know they're wrong. It's like some sort of vindictive, nasty streak in me which I don't like, but which has been with me forever.

I know this is not normal, but I don't see how I can change. Maybe I can learn to hide my dislike of people, or even pretend to like people more, but no amount of therapy or counselling would change how I really feel inside. Maybe surgery or drugs will be able to do that one day, but until then I'm stuck with these feelings.

I can totally ditto that.
Even if it's something I do myself, if somebody else does it I find it extremely irritating, and I always have a strong desire to let people know when they have been wrong about something.
It doesnt help that I hold mega grudges aswell, and strongly beleive in revenge :twisted:

I sound like such a nasty person :p :lol:


Well-known member
coriander1992 said:
I can only think of one person i truly like...I genuinely don't like humans as a species I think :roll:

Much prefer horses! :lol:

Animalas accept you as you are...Ok a dog might tear you to pieces but atleast you know that animals don't know any better, and the pain is physical rather than emotional. Humans are the cause of misery on the planet...How many animals start wars, cause pollution, bitch about people?...None! Humans are destructive. I mean at what point of evolution did we become this way?!


Well-known member
recluse said:
coriander1992 said:
I can only think of one person i truly like...I genuinely don't like humans as a species I think :roll:

Much prefer horses! :lol:

Animalas accept you as you are...Ok a dog might tear you to pieces but atleast you know that animals don't know any better, and the pain is physical rather than emotional. Humans are the cause of misery on the planet...How many animals start wars, cause pollution, bitch about people?...None! Humans are destructive. I mean at what point of evolution did we become this way?!

Tell me about it, Recluse! It's depressing to think about.
I like animals because they never do anything to actually spite us. Everything they do is for a reason, they aren't bitchy, like you said, and they don't seek to get revenge or give out punishment when we do things wrong...they are always willing to give you another chance and accept you, faults and all!
Even when they hurt you, they always do it for a reason...perhaps you scared them, or another human abused them in the past..or maybe they're just hungry! they don't do it deliberately to get at you, its not a personal thing with them.
You can't say that about many humans, me included :roll:

I think some humans are just far too greedy, and are willing to do anything to get what they want..wether that means destroying other people or the planet..anything. We will eventually, as a species, lead to our own downfall, I think.


New member
I would'nt say i hate people, but i dont trust no one really, apart from people i know wont hurt me,
I have a fear fighting, i dont tend to tell anyone anything about me, and seem to think most people have it in for me...
I go over things so much in my head i believe some of these people will actually attact me.... , i try and predict what will actually happen, well how people work, which i know i cant, but cant help myself.
I dont even tell work friends where i live or what im doing due to a lack of trust!!!
its doing my head in....


Well-known member
I agree with the animal thing. My best friend is my parrot. Talkative, loving and loyal and lets me know when to leave her alone in a nice clear way.

Everytime people go on about green issues I just think that we could do with a big global wipeout and evolution starting over. I'm not so sure its a bad thing, I welcome it! I think we will destry ourselves. I think we have evolved in to a way of life which does not suit us. Just about everyone is stressed out. I would love to live a simple hunting gathering life and live in a cave or something. Am I mad? Ok don't answer that I know I am.


Active member
SilentType said:
The funny thing is that we, along with other know that the problem is us. However, the problem is hardly ever defined for other people. We don't want to have people judge us because of our anxiety because we feel they don't understand our anxiety.

Oddly, all we really want is for people to understand and accept our condition. If we consistently put off explaining our anxieties then how are people going to understand and accept us?


Gandhi says, "We must be the change we wish to see in the world."

I actually have faith in half of the humanity. In comparison to our history... the more knowledgeable and educated we become, the more tolerating and understanding we are.

I feel unfortunate that we are victims of people who take advantage of our particular flaws, but feel that that's the reason why we must educate ourselves...

This book has great reviews: http://www.amazon.com/Sheeps-Clothing-Understanding-Dealing-Manipulative/dp/096516960X

I've bought one myself and found it helpful for protecting oneself from people who wish to do harm. It is about understanding the behavior and motives of manipulative, selfish people... and how to avoid them or deal with them.

Though honestly I do wish people understood my anxieties and accepted me for who I am... I do not wish to inflict such troubles onto someone else. I would consider that selfish of myself... as I understand how it would feel like for them. In no way am I putting myself down... it's just that I understand the way I am and understand how others might react to it. This keeps me content somewhat, as the path forward is rather easy to recognize now.

If I want to share my existence with someone... I'd like to be trying my best and make the best out of our relationship.


Well-known member
Thanks for those replies. I hate you all, lol. That was a joke by the way. It's a difficult dilemma to solve. Perhaps we are, through genetics or other means blessed with a certain trust meter. An instinct that we all have that should be trusted. Perhaps trusted for a reason. Theorizing here. We all have given talents and abilities and our genes or personality are trying to steer us in the right direction. I say stick with the people you like (that gut feeling). There maybe a reason for it. Just as there is a reason for others to seek out people like us for their own agenda. People whom could quite easily take advantage of us. Asseholes. Let’s not try and like everyone we (listening to our gut) don't really like. There maybe a reason. There is no shame in this. How often are those people u don’t like trying to be liked? I doubt that often. The point being. Follow your own conscience..


Well-known member
I wouldn't worry about there are alot of annoying people out there and theres nothing that says you have to like them.
There's many sorts of people I like, many I don't like, and others you know to avoid like the plague. I think i'd probably like almost everyone on this forum because we have deep thought. Beats talking about fashion, tv or celebrities :roll: