I did my oral presentation today!!!


Well-known member
So, I did it and at first I was nervous but then I kind of liked getting the attention. Everybody was like wow you did so good and you were saying you were nervous, you didn't even stutter or anything. Now because of you, I am going to have to make my presentation better. I am glad that I did not go to the disabilities department to get excused. I am glad that I did this and got over my fears. My therapist was telling me the exact same thing, to not get nervous etc etc. I feel so RELIEF!!!!!!


Well-known member
Great work! This is exactly how you defeat anxiety! And, keep in mind that EVERYONE, even those who seem very comfortable gets nervous about public speaking. Keep in mind that this fear is consistently ranked higher than the fear of death by most people. Just keep doing what you are doing and it sounds as if you'll be all right!


Doesn't it feel like a knife was removed from your heart after finishing your oral report?


Well-known member
Lithium thanks lol. English is not my first language so I still makes some minor grammar mistakes. Everyone else thank you, I could feel that now I could easily go to a job interview and do better. Noca, YES!!!!. The professor was going to call people randomly and that made me more nervous so I decided to volunteer which worked for the best. My other classmate who also volunteered received an A and so did I. So far, we have done the best!!! I am planning to become more social although this is really hard but I want to defeat this.