I Detest Working under Managers ..for any Company


Well-known member
I just find the concept of being directed like a slave to undertake certain daily tasks by other people who are trying to profit for their business ...even though your earning money ..i find it to be an unhealthy way of living ..

because they are controlling your actions ..

its that simple to me

this is why i feel that the only happy way for me to find a career is in a group where nobody is higher then anyone else or telling others what to do but its a mutual agreement of tasks .. or too free lance and work for myself

that way i wouldnt be forcing people to partake in mundane activities they arn't motivated by and i don't have a manager or a heirachy above me so i don't feel like a puppet.

essentially i can't stand the idea that so many people get up in the morning work strictly from 8-9am until 5-6pm like labrats...even if you really enjoy your job it still feels like your a puppet for profit in that particular lifestyle..

i'm not saying people shoul dbe lazy and do nothing ..add nothing to society, but there has to be another way then this..


Well-known member
I feel the same. I hate working under someone else, because I see myself as perfectly capable of doing the work my boss does. It frustrates me that I am made to do a specific job in the workplace, when I could do so much more. I feel uninspired and unenthusiastic about going to work. zzz. And, well, I gotta work tomorrow.

I want to run my own company some day, be my own boss. Just gotta figure out what I want to run. ^^


Well-known member
Everybody are slaves to the system, everyone needs money to live and thusly have no choice but to be part of the money wheel.

There will always be someone higher than us, even if we do not realise it. Pretty much unless you want to survive on benefits you have to work under someones name.

... Yeah im too serious :lol: .

[Blast, Icarus beat me xD]


Active member
I find this somewhat amusing. This must be a symptom of SP. I feel the exact same way. I don't know if this applies universally, but personally, my issue tends to be that while I don't perceive myself as unintelligent, irresponsible, or incompetent, I've never excelled at a job (or even had the courage to choose a job that I could excel at) because I can't handle the social pressures. To use an example, I choose low-paying, unfulfilling jobs because I want to avoid the high expectations associated with better paying, more prestigious jobs. Yet I show up for work and am immediately at odds with the setting. All my co-workers reject me because...well...I'm a social phobic, and they immediately assume I'm a snob/weirdo/dork. Another characteristic of these jobs is that managers and supervisors tend to treat the people under them like crap (usually because they're dealing with teenagers). But the main problem is that, in a job like that, you're just a body. Your talents go to waste and you just become a mindless automaton. You're underpaid and nobody respects you, and you know the only thing holding you back is the SP. If I had to guess, I'd say I wasn't alone in the particular brand of resentment I feel. It makes me hate Capitalism. In fact, I started hating it so much that I began thinking I must have some sort of psychosis.


Well-known member
i used to feel the same way. afterall, being told what to do everyday of your life sucks. but the truth is, you can't fight it... so you might as well just conform to it. it's really not so bad.

life sucks sometimes. so you might as well bite the bullet... find your own reason to live. without the shittyness we put up with on a daily basis, we wouldn't know what the hell the good times were for. if life were a big party, it would get pretty damn boring as well!

so it all balances out, believe me. it's not so bad in the end. 8) hang in there


Well-known member
It just feels like such a waste of time to me that we can be somebody elses bitch 5 days a week! and thats exactly what it is ...unless you have an excellent respectable relationship with the business owners and there is LOADS of flexibility with what your duties are in a particular job setting, your just a jockey to the system, its totally screwed up, but unfortunately the world needs people who can keep the wheel spinning . ..

your a tool for somebody elses dream of making a profit in business and your told to be somewhere by 9:00am or earlier if your not there by that time then you are disposable and can be thrown away and replaced, you can then go home only at 5:00pm generally at most businesses ...

unless you either ..

A: work for yourself and still earn enough to live and save u
B: win the Loterry
C: inheret family money to live
D: Your in your dream career that you love and adore already that being a tool doesn't bother you . ...


Well-known member
Its awful you feel that way and maybeit means this typ of job isn't for you.

I do resent the way you describe business owners. I am one. Ok not a big business owner but I employ 4 people. When you own a business you have to manage it or it will flop. You cannot rely on people to just get on with it and know what they are doing because I can assure you from experience that they don't. I havve bee as flexible and as nice as possible with my staff but I've had a few who have totaly taken the p. Or even if they are hard worker they need direction of what you want doing or they just do what they think. Managers keep everyone reading off the same page.

If you do ever get a business up and running which then expands to you needing staff members I'm sure you will understand what I'm saying.


Well-known member

I cannot stand working for anyone either, as soon as I am in an environment or situation where social or business hierarchies are at play I have a big problem.

My best friend could be my direct superior and between the hours of 9-5 I could not help but feel contempt for them.

I see human culture and its constructs as totally illusionary bullshit and as soon as someone takes such a role I view as fake, seriously there is a conflict of mind sets.


Well-known member
i actually resent managers that hire staff ...they would have to be the most kind-hearted people imaginable for me to give them the time of day, your hiring sheep to help your selfish idea of a business prosper, your not there to help people find a career, your there to run a business, the rest are mere passengers and levers to your fantasy ..

go and watch the film "there will be blood" to get what i'm saying

hmm lets see. "I'll pay you the minimalist amount possible for you to do as i say so my business can one day thrive, you'll be here no later then this time, if your late your fired, i need people that follow my rules, ..."...

the only solution is to work for a huge business that pays super well so at least im happy enough to overlook all the bullshit that comes with being an employee to a company ..or work for myself with zero staff on the payroll unless they 100 % want to be involved ...


Well-known member
That's a massive sweeping staement about a lot of people. How can you say that none of them care about their staff. I certainly do and if I wanted to just pay them minimum for maximum profit then my staff would all be minimum wage dim heads which they are not. My staff respect me and I respect them as people.

I would also like to point out that business men and women don't just sit there and count their money. My husband yesterday started at 7am and came home at midnight dealing with things that need dealing with. We are not on an hourly rate and there have been times when we have paid our staff their wages and had nothing left for ourselves and had to shop on a very tight budget. Had many a beans on toast! and kids have had to go without Xmas presents when things were being built up and money very tight.
It is Easter weekend now and we are running things here while all the staff are off, I'm on my lunch break writing this. My kids are outside playing on the grass while we work.

Somebody has to have businesses or no one would have jobs. Thanks to us 5 people, local people in a rural area have a job and we provide a local service that people need and want. Whats so bad about that.

An employer has to have rules or the whole business would go to pot with everyone doing as they wish. Someone has to run the ship.

Big businesses started off small.
Bob Dylan wrote:

You may be an ambassador to England or France,
You may like to gamble, you might like to dance,
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world,
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You might be a rock 'n' roll addict prancing on the stage,
You might have drugs at your command, women in a cage,
You may be a business man or some high degree thief,
They may call you Doctor or they may call you Chief

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may be a state trooper, you might be a young Turk,
You may be the head of some big TV network,
You may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lame,
You may be living in another country under another name

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may be a construction worker working on a home,
You may be living in a mansion or you might live in a dome,
You might own guns and you might even own tanks,
You might be somebody's landlord, you might even own banks

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may be a preacher with your spiritual pride,
You may be a city councilman taking bribes on the side,
You may be workin' in a barbershop, you may know how to cut hair,
You may be somebody's mistress, may be somebody's heir

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

Might like to wear cotton, might like to wear silk,
Might like to drink whiskey, might like to drink milk,
You might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat bread,
You may be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bed

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may call me Terry, you may call me Timmy,
You may call me Bobby, you may call me Zimmy,
You may call me R.J., you may call me Ray,
You may call me anything but no matter what you say

You're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody.
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.


Well-known member
We (me and hubby) have a biodiesel manufacturing business. We make biodiesel out of used cooking oil which we collect. We sell our own fuel to local people and local businesses and we are growing fast. That's my main business now and we have 2 full time drivers, a full time office lady, a part time office man and a young lad who cleans the vans and the cleaner. This time last year it was just us, but its more than we can manage and have to employ help now.

Until recently we also ran a really busy online shop which sold boy racer car parts. It was really successful but it got too busy for us to manage so I sold it as a going concern. We also own a fashion photograhy studio which is used for magazine shoots and model portfolios....modelly stuff rather than family portraits. My husband is a fashion photographer as well as running all the other stuff with me. I also write technical manuals on a self employed basis for planes but I hate doing it so I've just handed in my notice and am on my last job for that.


Well-known member
I worked at Target for a little over a year and my manager was so mean. We have walkie talkies and he got on there and said "Casey, don't you know the alphabet. B comes after A and D comes after C. It's not difficult". Everyone heard. I wasn't embarrassed because I am dyslexic (not severly) but every so often I accidently wrote "b" and "d" backwards.

So on a paper I wrote "In sections a and d mike works there and in c and b josh works there". It should have been "In sections a and b mike works there and in c and d josh works there". It was only a little mistake that all you had to do was cross off and rewrite it. It was only to tell the manager who is working in what areas so it wasn't that important. He called me into his office and asked me if I knew what was wrong. I honestly wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for his rude statement over the walkie talkie.

The people who heard him told him that it was uncalled for. He didn't know that I'm dyslexic but thats still not right to say to anyone. I called my managers boss and told him how furious that made me. He talked to the manager about it but I still never got an apology.

I didn't quit for that, I quit because I wasn't getting enough hours and it wasn't worth driving to work. I will probably never forget that day. I was a hard worker and did my best. I made one little mistake that wasn't a big deal and he just had to let everyone know. He probably said that to make himself feel better.

No one should be talked down to from anyone. We all are humans and have feelings but some people don't care. It's pretty much a part of the working world, unfortunately.


Well-known member

With globalization business has become about clock work.

If someone was broken down on the highway on the way to work in the dead of winter and I stopped to help them and it caused me to be late, I would probably get a warning, 2 times? Maybe not.

It is my nature to have some level of despisal towards a supervisor or manager no matter how nice or nasty they are, I would expect the same thought about me if I was in their shoes.

Works occupies at least 25% of people's lives, that is a large number and most people who don't like their jobs don't think about those implications, at least not people I have spoken to. I know that I will have no satisfaction out of life until I can achieve what I want during that 25+% of time I feel I am now currently wasting, other things can follow.

your hiring sheep to help your selfish idea of a business prosper, your not there to help people find a career, your there to run a business, the rest are mere passengers and levers to your fantasy

I agree with the above statement in principle but I don't feel it is the employers responsibility to be concerned about your career unless it is directly within their company. Most jobs I see as stepping stones, or filler, the employers responsibility is to help make the work environment somewhat tolerable. I do feel that quote has an underlying truth that is personally becoming more and more relevant with my recent job hunting explorations.

I am currently looking for employment after the longest job I have ever had(2.7 years, not long by many standards). A trend with employers I have noticed after this hiatus is more and more 2 interview requirements, even for "joe boy" work, increased stress on them hiring you only if they feel they have a career employee in you.

"It's not a question of enough, pal. It's a zero sum game, somebody wins, somebody loses. Money itself isn't lost or made, it's simply transferred from one perception to another. "- Gordon Gekko from Wall Street


Well-known member
That is a horrible way to feel, especially because it is a burden that we will almost surely carry for most of our lives. People have always worked/labored under the authority of others. That'll never change. But if you want to see how much worse it could be just think of all those sweat shops out there. (I won't deny that even here in America some capitalists might like to open a few sweat shops of their own).

If you own your own business you just end up with a whole new set of problems, possibly worse than you had before. My aunt owns her own business and likes it, but she has such a hard time with her staff. They don't come to work and then they blame her for not getting paid for doing nothing. And one person has even taken her to court in an attempt to sue her for money the person obviously didn't deserve. So the people who work for you can be just as much of a thorn in your side as the people you have to work for.

To seekeroftruth, I can't believe that work only occupies 25% of people's lives. These days it seems so much closer to about 50%, but I guess that's just perception. But I don't know. I so often hear people these days bragging about how they work 18 hour shifts and acting as if anything less is pure laziness. I guess we call those people workaholics. They seem to have become the norm, unfortunately.
Anyway, I know I'll probably spend my entire life working under someone. Even if I'm able to be a full-time writer as I hope to I know I'll be under the deadlines of other people. But I know that won't be half as bad as when you work in customer service. Then not only do you have to deal with a manager hovering over you all the time making sure you're being the perfect customer's doormat, you're also stuck kissing the asses of people who often treat you like a piece of property.


Well-known member

I calculated 25% based on a 40 hour work week, more in many cases like you mention, something I try to avoid in choosing a job.

I have noticed the trend as well recently of overtime being something to brag about...money can be good and all but my time is more valuable to me. The one thing I find ironic and amusing is when people brag about all this overtime money as if the company is being generous to them when in reality the only reason the overtime is offered is because the company stands to make more money by paying people more for those extra hours then to send them home.

The slave trade is far from dead and I agree that many capitalists would like nothing more then to bring that back...watch where North America goes in the next 5-10 years, I'll bet society will resemble socialism and communism much more then expected, with fascist over tones. I believe Stalin called it corporatism, where corporations are god.

ljwwriter, it looks like we are trying to break into a similar field, I am working on my first screenplay.