Well-known member
God you guys must just hate me for mentioning this so often.
But what you don't know is that 1 in 3 people are. And that the most common symptoms are depression and anxiety because it really ****s up your seratonin, your brain (creates plaques in your brain, cerebellum may be enlarged, weakened blood/brain barriers, a lack of blood flow to the head, it is only recently been officially dubbed a NEURO-TOXIN to people who are gluten sensitive), and messes with your nervous system, and adrenal glands. Adrenal glands, hey wait, isn't that what's responsible for the fight or flight response, and panic attacks? Hmmmmmmm! Lastly, vitamind/mineral deficiencies are one of the most common symptoms, as gluten prohibits the absorption. Mainly magnesium, B 12, B6, and chromium. The main one = Magnesium deficiency. Known to play a key role in anxiety and depression, as well as the others.
This could be the "genetics" behind depression, because gluten intolerance is genetic. Especially if you've had anxiety, sensitivity, or depression for seemingly all of your life, then I advise you try this
The most common symptom of gluten/lactose sensitivity is depression. I am persuaded by hundreds of stories I have read, years of research I have done, and by my own experience. Oh, and because I got these statistics from many books. I have met people who have commited suicide as a child, but were revived, were suicidal all their lives and depressed, and then they discovered they were gluten intolerant and they became instantly happy.
(sometimes along with ADD, bipolar, autism (90% of autistics are gluten sensitive), anxiety anxiety anxiety, sound sensitivity..etc)
Yeah. You guys can tell me to STFU about this. Idc. I will push this until somebody tries eliminating gluten/lactose from their diet, and THEN you can judge it. You really have nothing to lose! This has changed my life.
(I'm not saying this is everybody's cause. But it is likely for those who are both depressed and anxious. I am terrified of criticism and expect criticism for posting this so often, but yet I am still posting it because I believe it so)
This is not spam
I have dramatically healed my autism (cured 100%), depression, most of my anxiety, (but not self criticism unfortunately, or sensitivity to others criticism! It's a lot of the bodily reaction that is fading), sound sensitivity, my rare but intense panic attacks... And it has been 3 weeks.
Gluten sensitivity cannot be tested for accurately, unlike full blown celiacs. But you CAN try a gluten/lactose (and sometimes soy) free diet. If you haven't exhausted this option yet, I dare you!
But what you don't know is that 1 in 3 people are. And that the most common symptoms are depression and anxiety because it really ****s up your seratonin, your brain (creates plaques in your brain, cerebellum may be enlarged, weakened blood/brain barriers, a lack of blood flow to the head, it is only recently been officially dubbed a NEURO-TOXIN to people who are gluten sensitive), and messes with your nervous system, and adrenal glands. Adrenal glands, hey wait, isn't that what's responsible for the fight or flight response, and panic attacks? Hmmmmmmm! Lastly, vitamind/mineral deficiencies are one of the most common symptoms, as gluten prohibits the absorption. Mainly magnesium, B 12, B6, and chromium. The main one = Magnesium deficiency. Known to play a key role in anxiety and depression, as well as the others.
This could be the "genetics" behind depression, because gluten intolerance is genetic. Especially if you've had anxiety, sensitivity, or depression for seemingly all of your life, then I advise you try this
The most common symptom of gluten/lactose sensitivity is depression. I am persuaded by hundreds of stories I have read, years of research I have done, and by my own experience. Oh, and because I got these statistics from many books. I have met people who have commited suicide as a child, but were revived, were suicidal all their lives and depressed, and then they discovered they were gluten intolerant and they became instantly happy.
(sometimes along with ADD, bipolar, autism (90% of autistics are gluten sensitive), anxiety anxiety anxiety, sound sensitivity..etc)
Yeah. You guys can tell me to STFU about this. Idc. I will push this until somebody tries eliminating gluten/lactose from their diet, and THEN you can judge it. You really have nothing to lose! This has changed my life.
(I'm not saying this is everybody's cause. But it is likely for those who are both depressed and anxious. I am terrified of criticism and expect criticism for posting this so often, but yet I am still posting it because I believe it so)
This is not spam
I have dramatically healed my autism (cured 100%), depression, most of my anxiety, (but not self criticism unfortunately, or sensitivity to others criticism! It's a lot of the bodily reaction that is fading), sound sensitivity, my rare but intense panic attacks... And it has been 3 weeks.
Gluten sensitivity cannot be tested for accurately, unlike full blown celiacs. But you CAN try a gluten/lactose (and sometimes soy) free diet. If you haven't exhausted this option yet, I dare you!
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