I dare you to try this. You have nothing to lose.


Well-known member
God you guys must just hate me for mentioning this so often.


But what you don't know is that 1 in 3 people are. And that the most common symptoms are depression and anxiety because it really ****s up your seratonin, your brain (creates plaques in your brain, cerebellum may be enlarged, weakened blood/brain barriers, a lack of blood flow to the head, it is only recently been officially dubbed a NEURO-TOXIN to people who are gluten sensitive), and messes with your nervous system, and adrenal glands. Adrenal glands, hey wait, isn't that what's responsible for the fight or flight response, and panic attacks? Hmmmmmmm! Lastly, vitamind/mineral deficiencies are one of the most common symptoms, as gluten prohibits the absorption. Mainly magnesium, B 12, B6, and chromium. The main one = Magnesium deficiency. Known to play a key role in anxiety and depression, as well as the others.

This could be the "genetics" behind depression, because gluten intolerance is genetic. Especially if you've had anxiety, sensitivity, or depression for seemingly all of your life, then I advise you try this

The most common symptom of gluten/lactose sensitivity is depression. I am persuaded by hundreds of stories I have read, years of research I have done, and by my own experience. Oh, and because I got these statistics from many books. I have met people who have commited suicide as a child, but were revived, were suicidal all their lives and depressed, and then they discovered they were gluten intolerant and they became instantly happy.

(sometimes along with ADD, bipolar, autism (90% of autistics are gluten sensitive), anxiety anxiety anxiety, sound sensitivity..etc)

Yeah. You guys can tell me to STFU about this. Idc. I will push this until somebody tries eliminating gluten/lactose from their diet, and THEN you can judge it. You really have nothing to lose! This has changed my life.

(I'm not saying this is everybody's cause. But it is likely for those who are both depressed and anxious. I am terrified of criticism and expect criticism for posting this so often, but yet I am still posting it because I believe it so)

This is not spam :p

I have dramatically healed my autism (cured 100%), depression, most of my anxiety, (but not self criticism unfortunately, or sensitivity to others criticism! It's a lot of the bodily reaction that is fading), sound sensitivity, my rare but intense panic attacks... And it has been 3 weeks.

Gluten sensitivity cannot be tested for accurately, unlike full blown celiacs. But you CAN try a gluten/lactose (and sometimes soy) free diet. If you haven't exhausted this option yet, I dare you!
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Well-known member
That's actually really interesting, thankyou. What exactly would I need to cut out? Gluten is in a lot of products isn't it?

Yeah.. Gluten is in wheat/rye/barley. It is a very difficult diet to follow, because you have to eliminate all sources, even trace amounts that may be in your spice cabinet (stupid cumin I was using...). Also, it's important to keep in mind that if you do happen to be gluten sensitive, there is a 50% chance you are also lactose and soy sensitive, so those two foods are important to steer clear of at first. It is worth the difficulty, even if you just stress out the possibility, though, :p


Well-known member
I am sensitive to milk and cheese (I get hayfever type symptoms)

The trouble with cutting so many foods out though is you need to replace them with other things and that can be confusing and expensive

So true. Lots of rice. Lol. It is very hard! And there is still the chance that you are not. These two foods are also addictive. So yes, It's very hard! (I'd say because you are lactose already, there is an increased chance) All up to you my friend.


Pirate from the North Pole
LoL I confirm.
I've been suicidal, depressive and over sensitive all my life.
I stopped eating gluten and dairy products about 5 months ago.
My life is a total failure right now, so obviously I'm feeling a little depressed, but overall I'm fine.
2 years ago, I would have been on my way to a huge depression.
So It works.
I'm the same as you, everytime someone feels depressed around me I have to say something about wheat :p


Well-known member
LoL I confirm.
I've been suicidal, depressive and over sensitive all my life.
I stopped eating gluten and dairy products about 5 months ago.
My life is a total failure right now, so obviously I'm feeling a little depressed, but overall I'm fine.
2 years ago, I would have been on my way to a huge depression.
So It works.
I'm the same as you, everytime someone feels depressed around me I have to say something about wheat :p

Lol I know what you mean. It's weird isn't it? I'm in the worst moment of my life, when I think about the position I am in, dropped out of school, lost all my friends, rejected by my entire family, still kind of housebound. But more often, Instead of waking up and crying, I wake up and dance because I am not used to feeling.. Alive. Not hopeless. It's very different. I am so glad to hear another person has benefited, and that you are no longer suicidal or in such a rut as you would be.
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Pirate from the North Pole
Lol I know what you mean. It's weird isn't it? I'm in the worst moment of my life, when I think about the position I am in, dropped out of school, lost all my friends, rejected by my entire family, still kind of housebound. But more often, Instead of waking up and crying, I wake up and dance because I am not used to feeling.. Alive. Not hopeless. It's very different. I am so glad to hear another person has benefited, and that you are no longer suicidal or in such a rut as you would be.

In fact I don't find it weird, knowing what gluten does, it makes total sense that I will feel weak and depressed if I keep eating it. I just don't understand why doctors don't check this possibility with their patients having depression before prescribing pills... THAT makes no sense to me.


Well-known member
In fact I don't find it weird, knowing what gluten does, it makes total sense that I will feel weak and depressed if I keep eating it. I just don't understand why doctors don't check this possibility with their patients having depression before prescribing pills... THAT makes no sense to me.

It makes sense to big pharma companies selling the pills!! sadly

I still wonder whether to keep on eating gluten and get tested for celiac or not (in 7 months or so).. I usually feel better when not eating it, I feel worse when hungry though.. :D

It's important to stash your cupboard: corn/maize (ideally organic/non-GMO), buckwheat, yup rice, millet, potatoes, I even discovered exotic ammaranth and quinoa.. actually eating gluten-free was quite an exotic adventure! :D
Lots of veggies too.. Try to rotate food things as not to get sensitive to new stuff.. (ideally different cereal and protein sources and veggie every day..)

Especially if you eat meat make sure to get enough calcium elsewhere if you don't eat milk/milk products.. Especially if you're female.. And of course a lot of movement and D vitamin (sunlight) for bone density.. and enough magnesium etc.

Also if you ate wholewheat bread before, you may then be lacking B vitamins or such, so you need to substitute with other foods..

This seems an interesting list of allowed foods: http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/celiac/
There's lots of info and recipes online..

A thing to consider is that sometimes going gluten-free can make things worse and make you need to stay gluten-free.. And if you want to get tested for celiac you need to keep eating wheat.. So you may want to read the symptoms of celiac and talk to your doctor first.. Though if you feel better after going gluten-free that's one of the symptoms that can help the doc diagnose you..
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