i completely failed in college this week


Well-known member
Okay so i'm wondering if i'm mentally handicapped >.> or something because i failed all my midterms, big time. Now i have two w's and going to make the other grades a c, hopefully. This has never happened before. I usually get all b's, one a, and one c at the most... I'm really scared to tell my parents, almost terrified :( I signed up for two other classes to replace them and paid for them myself but i'm sure they will find out eventually. What should i do ::(:


Well-known member
Okay so i'm wondering if i'm mentally handicapped >.> or something because i failed all my midterms, big time. Now i have two w's and going to make the other grades a c, hopefully. This has never happened before. I usually get all b's, one a, and one c at the most... I'm really scared to tell my parents, almost terrified :( I signed up for two other classes to replace them and paid for them myself but i'm sure they will find out eventually. What should i do ::(:

I'd just thought i'd ask is there anything colledge that you're worrying about other than failing your mid terms ?

And telling your parents is the best thing to do because you're being honest

Have you asked Professor or Teacher (whatever they call it lol) on how to improve and things that brought you down to fail ?


Well-known member
Well one of the classes i had to do this presentation and since i was only going to get a "c" at best anyway i decided to just drop that. The professor was tuff grader. Since i didn't do well on the quiz i asked her specifically after class what the test was going to be on. She said read these chapters and i would be good. I did that, but right before the test she said "oh we didn't go over all the chapters so i'm just going to test you on what we did in class" i was super angry when i heard this :rolleyes: then took the test. I go to class but never really listened because it's hard to pay attention for more than 15 minutes in a class setting....I'm going to tell them in ten days since they will be wondering where im going every thursday for my new class so... ty :)


Well-known member
Well one of the classes i had to do this presentation and since i was only going to get a "c" at best anyway i decided to just drop that. The professor was tuff grader. Since i didn't do well on the quiz i asked her specifically after class what the test was going to be on. She said read these chapters and i would be good. I did that, but right before the test she said "oh we didn't go over all the chapters so i'm just going to test you on what we did in class" i was super angry when i heard this :rolleyes: then took the test. I go to class but never really listened because it's hard to pay attention for more than 15 minutes in a class setting....I'm going to tell them in ten days since they will be wondering where im going every thursday for my new class so... ty :)

I wouldn't really worry about it to much at the moment. Sounds like your teacher is difficult lol. Just keep on concentrating and doing your best and you should be right :)


Well-known member
I think I am about to fail my science degree. I am going through an extreme bout of melancholia and depression over it, because:

(a) My mum, dad, step-mum, step-dad, uncle, aunty and grandad all think I am doing fine at university, mainly because I have been too terrified to admit the truth to any of them.

(b) All the younger people I know from my old school are starting to enter uni now, and will all eventually have degrees and I won't. Some of these people used to think I was smart.

(c) In this day and age of extreme capitalism and rugged individualism, you are stuffed if you don't have some kind of degree. And you are looked down upon in some fashion or another by people of higher culture and taste. That thought makes me cringe with shame.

(d) People had this impression of me as a smart individual; if I can't even get my tertiary degree I will feel like a dumb worthless ****.

(e) It will drive my mother back into a bout of severe depression, and my grandad will be simply horrified. Just horrified. My grandad has been through enough already: he just lost his wife of 60 years, and is going through a horrible depression. He really cares about me and my future. I can't stand the thought of letting him and my mother down. I feel like the biggest jerk in the world right now.


Well-known member
I think I am about to fail my science degree. I am going through an extreme bout of melancholia and depression over it, because:

(a) My mum, dad, step-mum, step-dad, uncle, aunty and grandad all think I am doing fine at university, mainly because I have been too terrified to admit the truth to any of them.

(b) All the younger people I know from my old school are starting to enter uni now, and will all eventually have degrees and I won't. Some of these people used to think I was smart.

(c) In this day and age of extreme capitalism and rugged individualism, you are stuffed if you don't have some kind of degree. And you are looked down upon in some fashion or another by people of higher culture and taste. That thought makes me cringe with shame.

(d) People had this impression of me as a smart individual; if I can't even get my tertiary degree I will feel like a dumb worthless ****.

(e) It will drive my mother back into a bout of severe depression, and my grandad will be simply horrified. Just horrified. My grandad has been through enough already: he just lost his wife of 60 years, and is going through a horrible depression. He really cares about me and my future. I can't stand the thought of letting him and my mother down. I feel like the biggest jerk in the world right now.

Oh no :( Can you retake your classes? I think it may take you longer but i don't think you could fail out? I'm still at cc trying to transfer to a regular college.. a couple semesters late for normal transfer. It's like the longer i'm there the worst i do because i feel like a loser. My mom gets depressed when I screw up too. She said she had a dream about me getting all d's and how horrible that would be. My Dad just blames it on me not trying and get pissed. Maybe you should change your major, not completely but maybe an easier science? Just suggesting, but if it's towards a certain career you want then keep going. I should have gone on ratemyprofessors.com before selecting teachers this semester.. maybe you should too? Good luck to you!
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Well-known member
I feel like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. I think I can reapply in two years for university as a mature age student if I get excluded from the program.

God-damn it is depressing and awful. I haven't had clinical depression before, but it's undeniable I'm in it right now. Now I know what it feels like. Every waking moment, it's on the back of my mind, like a dark rot with its tentacles wrapped around my limbic system, sucking the joy out of my brain. Making sure that the minute I start to lose myself in some pleasurable engagement, some stimulating activity, I am intruded upon by my dark and desolate reality, and once again overshadowed by a sense of impending, meaningless, hopeless doom. It's always there, taunting me, dragging me down further. Even through all of this, I wonder to myself: are you not just being a hypochondriac? Pull yourself together and suck it up like the rest of us! Which, unsurprisingly, makes it even worse.

The first time I was considered at risk, my course coordinator recommended that I take six months off. I said I would do one subject, just so I could continue to do things part-time, so my mother would not be angry at me and my dad and step-mother would not think I was a lazy hippy (I didn't tell him the reasons--I didn't want him to think I was some nerdy goody two-shoes who wanted to make his mummy and daddy happy). He said that I should only do that if I was sure. I felt like I was sure at the time (I'd taken a couple of Ritalin half hour before and had a positive attitude).

About four weeks in, I was just feeling overwhelmed. I was having trouble finding a part-time job, and I was going through a period of personal misery, wondering if going to uni was even worth it. At this point, a normal person would have said to himself “alright, withdraw your course before the census date, take a leave of absence, and tell your family that you are not doing any subjects till next year.” Not me. I literally just refused to think about it, pushing the badness right out of my mind. I avoided all thoughts even remotely relevant to uni and education. To lapse and think about it was just depressing and nerve-wracking. I spent my days sitting at my computer in my room, surfing the internet, reading books, and watching shows, pretending that everything was just peachy.

It made me feel safe and comfortable. I avoided thoughts of finding work as well, distracting myself and telling myself I'd get around to “the important stuff” tomorrow. This continued for about eight weeks, until I finally decided to pluck up the courage to withdraw from my course; I say “courage” because I felt unbelievably nervous that I would be “locked in” and unable to withdraw, thereby ensuring my failure and expulsion from uni (!!!!). Since it was past the census date, I had to pay for the course. Three weeks later, I emailed my coordinator asking if I would be considered at risk if I didn't actually fill out a “Leave of Absence” form and defer prior to the census date. He said I might be. I told him that I was considered at risk last semester, and asked how this would affect things. He said he would get back to me the following Monday. He still hasn't gotten back to me. I am literally terrified to email him again; the prospect of bad news is just too overwhelming. But I know I have to email him again and ask what is going to happen to me. There is no way out of it.

How did it get to this? Here's why: it's due to my overall negative attitude, my social anxiety, and my inability to deal with stress. I have no social life at uni, I go out of my way to only go there when I have to (so I can avoid people), I struggle to get motivated to do long and arduous tasks, and I always, ALWAYS question my intelligence, and wonder if I am smart enough to be there--that is an OCD habit of mine: constantly, CONSTANTLY examining and re-examining my intelligence and wondering if I even have any.

Everyone at university seems to be motivated, sure of themselves, at ease, and happy. Even if there are a few shy people at uni, they at least manage to find a small clique of friends and some kind of social life, and stay on ball, on point and under the radar, speeding towards their goals. Not me. I feel like I've been running on the same spot for 4 years, while everyone else has zoomed ahead.

I tell you all of this because they are the thoughts that come up in my mind when I do anything related to uni (studying, homework, watching lectures, completing surveys, etc). Hence it is why I find uni life so crippling. I always have that feeling that there is a ton of things that "everyone" in uni is doing that I am not doing, like they are all tuned in on the correct frequency, yet I am struggling to even erect the antenna, let alone point it in the right direction.


Well-known member
my epic college fail was disasterous. i had more W's, R's, I's... and other weird symbols on my transcript than spots on a leopard. i don't know what the solution is for your guys' cases, but i know the whole college experience for me - the lying to parents about grades and ditching, the presentation horrors, catching a cold just about every other month, the constant stress and anxiety attacks... this all caused me to cave in and i dropped out. incidentally, it was the best feeling ever, telling my parents i hated college and was quitting it. i woke up the next day and felt ten times better.

but that's me. i still have to live with the shame of having failed, which is tolerable.

i might advise taking a semester off and doing things to reduce your stress levels during the hiatus. also, be upfront with your parents, and be fearless. if they start tossing threats at you like "if you don't take at least X amount of units this semester then we'll have to kick you out- blah blah..." then tell them you're in charge of your life and if you want to approach college a certain way they don't like then they can *explicit action*


Well-known member
do what I do, study from home. No getting given grade in front of other people and feeling stupid when it's low and everyone whispering about how thick you are.