I can't believe my hands and feet sweat.


Active member
I just don't get it. Out of all the problems one could possibly have, you get sweaty hands and sweaty feet in a world which highly requires social interaction. It's one of the worst problems you can have, largely because it's treated by outsiders like a silly joke. Everybody tells you to just wipe your hands on your pants and everything will be just fine. That's just far from the case. Try living with the frustration of wet hands when you're attempting to do simple tasks like writing, holding things for other people, even typing and using a computer, or just moving your hands while talking. The psychological burden that this stupid problem causes is immense. You feel like you can't do anything right, and you feel like most of the day you're not happy with your life. You know it's there, you can't get it off your mind, no matter how hard you try and use the little "tricks" you've developed. The only thing you feel comfortable doing is nothing; just sitting in a dark place, not thinking, since participating in society is so difficult for people with this disorder.

Why were we born with this? In our minds we just want to do so much more, to prove we've done great things in life, to our families and friends, not shadow ourselves as shut-ins who achieve nothing. Most importantly, we just want to be happy with life, and the grand things it has to offer. So why have us good people been born with an overactive nervous system that causes sweaty hands? I will never know. Bad things happen to good people, the quote seems to certainly be true. I dearly hope a cure is near. It's difficult on the mind to imagine young children going through the reclusive childhood I went through.
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Well-known member
Yup, it sucks. Some how I've managed to live through my childhood, got married, divorced had a kid. I avoided the career of my choice do to the sweaty hands. Life goes on. Today, folks have more treatment choices than I had growing up. Zero, none, nada, no choices, no one to talk to about it with... life goes on and we go on with life.

Iontopheresis saved me, others use various other treatments. Try some treatments out and start living your life as best as possible. Most of us are in the same sweaty boat and that's why we come to this forum.

Thanks for sharing.


Well-known member
Seriously, I just came to feel that hh sufferers are as whiny as whiners get. I have it, ALL ****ING OVER, and I got tired of myself whining. Just live with it, and thank god you don't have cancer or frikin aids. Why don't you believe it? Believe it, it's just a problem, just like being born a midget might be a problem to that individual, he learns to live with it. Once you get the I don't ****ing care attitude, you'll start living your life and accomplishing whatever your obsessive thoughts are stopping you from doing.

Believe me, with your attitude, the only place you're gonna get to is whining, crying, screaming why, suicidal thoughts, going on forums, and more whining. I think the reason why the medical industry doesn't take this problem and only gives us half-assed solutions like a side effect of a pill or a machine that requires the patience of a god is because we give it more of a deal than it should be given. I've seen people so sweaty, as sweaty as me, talk and do their jobs and not care that they're sweating. It's all about what's in your mind.

Two days ago I was at a dance party, I danced like crazy and I was dripping sweat, I didn't care. I was literally dripping, and I could tell some girls found that really sexy, some found it weird, and most didn't care, including me. Make the best of your life. The clock is ticking and time is passing, you won't be here forever.

and don't tell me don't post on this board i'll drop in and give my opinion whenever and slap some sense and confidence into my fellow hh whiners. later

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
Seriously, I just came to feel that hh sufferers are as whiny as whiners get. I have it, ALL ****ING OVER, and I got tired of myself whining. Just live with it, and thank god you don't have cancer or frikin aids. Why don't you believe it? Believe it, it's just a problem, just like being born a midget might be a problem to that individual, he learns to live with it. Once you get the I don't ****ing care attitude, you'll start living your life and accomplishing whatever your obsessive thoughts are stopping you from doing.

Believe me, with your attitude, the only place you're gonna get to is whining, crying, screaming why, suicidal thoughts, going on forums, and more whining. I think the reason why the medical industry doesn't take this problem and only gives us half-assed solutions like a side effect of a pill or a machine that requires the patience of a god is because we give it more of a deal than it should be given. I've seen people so sweaty, as sweaty as me, talk and do their jobs and not care that they're sweating. It's all about what's in your mind.

Two days ago I was at a dance party, I danced like crazy and I was dripping sweat, I didn't care. I was literally dripping, and I could tell some girls found that really sexy, some found it weird, and most didn't care, including me. Make the best of your life. The clock is ticking and time is passing, you won't be here forever.

and don't tell me don't post on this board i'll drop in and give my opinion whenever and slap some sense and confidence into my fellow hh whiners. later

It's never helpful to say "yeah you've got x but thank yourself lucky that you don't have Y" Sorry but that doesn't work, especially for suffers on this site whether it's SA or HH. As someone who does and has suffered from hyperhidrosis throughout your life I'd expect you to be a little more understanding. I know your preaching the "deal with it" attitude and I get that, I feel the same sometimes but I'll take the relief with the medication or ionto if I need them. I used to think you were quite cool with your quest to beat this thing doing whatever you could but I must say, you're coming across as a bit of an ass, peace out


Well-known member
I wasn't quite cool by trying things left and right, in the end you'll just have to accept it. There's nothing wrong by realizing what ails you is 1% of the pain of another ailment. It helps. I have hh. I'm an ass. It took me to become an ass to live with it and be happy. Whine on guys. Bye.


Well-known member
Interesting attitude you have developed Rexus. When I was younger and became vegetarian I preached like mad wondering why people just didn't get it. They are ok with animal torture, so forth and so on. Then... I got older. I'm still a vegi, just no need to preach. My way, my attitude is one way, not the only or right way.


Active member
If one doesn't whine or do anything, just merely accept things and move on, no progress is made. I'd rather get on these forums and share my experiences with other fellow sufferers to keep my motivation high rather than to simply give in and accept this problem I have. I am determined to fix this, just like other normal people with their own problems, and the forums are a godsend. Being able to connect with other people who have this problem has been very helpful, and what's best is that it's becomes a story so other hyperhidrosis sufferers can learn and employ good judgement when battling this disease. It also helps that it brings huge attention to this disease, something that we desperately need more of. The idea of "embracing" this disorder and living with it is nothing short of grotesque and is not helping with finding real solutions to this big, underrated problem.
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Well-known member
well guys I think you are right and I came out as a bit of an ass. I'm sorry I don't think I really helped by lashing on you guys. I'll just post when I find something that helps hh, but really, take the insults out of my previous posts and you'll find a very good advice: if you really really try to accept it and just move on, you'll be much happier than just worrying about it all the time, I swear, it is working for me. Other than that, forget my insults. Also, I think exercising and any sports for at least an hour a day is very good for us hhers, I promise you. Also, try to eat as healthy as possible, proteins, salads, good oils, and a small quantity of carbs (whole wheat preferably), which is mostly a zone diet. Other advice I can give is take sage pills and take anti-anxiety medication/herbs because they'll give a new perspective to how you look at life.

I hope I corrected my previous mistake with this post. Take care my friends.


Well-known member
And I think the hardest part of our lives was when we were kids and had little control over our lives, mostly when we were still at school and we had hh. We couldn't exercise, we couldn't vent out the way we felt like it, we couldn't explain what's going on with us, so yes, the hard parts for hhers is when they're young and it really has an impact on you growing up. But when you grow up, that's the time when we should be strong and fix the damage. That's the stance I took, and I am fixing the damage hh laid on me. We need to be strong guys, always. And I will share experiences/help with any of you guys if you want add me on my email. Lotsa love. again sorry for being offensive previously.

but please, never ever let hh stop you from doing what you love to do, no matter how much you'll sweat/think you'll feel out of place. facing your fears will eventually make you stronger than it, even with sweat. take care


Active member
The other day a coworker rudely asked me "Why are your hands sweating so much?" I paused for a second...and then knowing that he has to take insulin every day coldly replied "Why are you a diabetic?" There was a long awkward pause and I decided to let it go. I just said "I have a medical condition that causes me to sweat a lot", I turned around and that was the end of the conversation.
In The Shawshank Redemption there is a line that goes something like "Bad luck just floats around in the air. It's got to land on somebody". It definitely landed on us. I don't know why God made us this way. There are some days when I wonder if he's the one that did it. Sometimes I think if I hadn't been prescribed Accutane as a teenager .......or went swimming for golfballs in that stagnent pond when I was 10 ........or if I had a different dad ......and on and on. Then maybe I wouldn't have hyperhidrosis. But I do and I don't know the answers. Hopefully someday we will.
Remember.... bad things happen to everyone, not just good people. It's how you handle the adversity and burden HH brings that will ultimately determine who you become......and if HH wins or you do. I'm sure Type I diabetes is no walk in the park. Would my insensitive coworker trade places with you if he knew everything about HH? Would you trade with him?


Active member
well guys I think you are right and I came out as a bit of an ass. I'm sorry I don't think I really helped by lashing on you guys. I'll just post when I find something that helps hh, but really, take the insults out of my previous posts and you'll find a very good advice: if you really really try to accept it and just move on, you'll be much happier than just worrying about it all the time, I swear, it is working for me. Other than that, forget my insults. Also, I think exercising and any sports for at least an hour a day is very good for us hhers, I promise you. Also, try to eat as healthy as possible, proteins, salads, good oils, and a small quantity of carbs (whole wheat preferably), which is mostly a zone diet. Other advice I can give is take sage pills and take anti-anxiety medication/herbs because they'll give a new perspective to how you look at life.

I hope I corrected my previous mistake with this post. Take care my friends.

Thanks Rexus for apologizing. I will certainly try out the exercising thing, I am overweight and would probably feel a lot better if I was in shape (I do have the Power90 program at home, so that's good). I don't think I'll give up my eating habits anytime soon though, it would have to be a very gradual process. Fast food is just so good :X

Don't feel bad about yourself for saying what you said, we all make mistakes, etc.

The other day a coworker rudely asked me "Why are your hands sweating so much?" I paused for a second...and then knowing that he has to take insulin every day coldly replied "Why are you a diabetic?" There was a long awkward pause and I decided to let it go. I just said "I have a medical condition that causes me to sweat a lot", I turned around and that was the end of the conversation.
In The Shawshank Redemption there is a line that goes something like "Bad luck just floats around in the air. It's got to land on somebody". It definitely landed on us. I don't know why God made us this way. There are some days when I wonder if he's the one that did it. Sometimes I think if I hadn't been prescribed Accutane as a teenager .......or went swimming for golfballs in that stagnent pond when I was 10 ........or if I had a different dad ......and on and on. Then maybe I wouldn't have hyperhidrosis. But I do and I don't know the answers. Hopefully someday we will.
Remember.... bad things happen to everyone, not just good people. It's how you handle the adversity and burden HH brings that will ultimately determine who you become......and if HH wins or you do. I'm sure Type I diabetes is no walk in the park. Would my insensitive coworker trade places with you if he knew everything about HH? Would you trade with him?

LOL, that is really funny. Great reply by you, and I agree it must be extremely hard dealing with Diabetes. I don't think I would trade the diseases :/


Active member
These are the types of threads I come onto the forum for. It's so nice to be able to talk with people who actually understand. Lately, I also have been thinking about rexus's approach, because nothing is helping really. I take avert, and it helps, but not very much...and I always think I'm taking it wrong, but I'm still experimenting with a dose.

I am learning to come to terms with it though, the other day I had to touch someone for an extended period of time, and I was dripping sweat from my hands. I'm sure he noticed, but he didn't say anything. The thing is, I really had no choice as it was part of my class, so I went through with it even though it was a little embarassing. I'm sure I'm gonna have to do this so much in the future, so why even let it control me? I'm not going to sit here and not live the life I want. I'm not going to let it control me, I simply can't.
I love Rexus's attitude. I think it's great that people try to find treatments that work for them, but at the end off the day, you have to love yourself and stick up for yourself instead of tear yourself down. Easier said than done sometimes, I know. But so worth trying for. Life is too short!

Maybe it is twisted, but I have come to realize that almost everyone, at some point, has a health defect, or a dark secret, or some sort of painful thing they have lived through. Something that makes them "weird" to others who have not gone through that thing. So when I find myself getting frustrated and thinking, "Why do I have HH??!" or "Why am I losing my hearing, even though I am only in my 20's??!" "Why meeeee?" it sort of helps to remind myself that probably everyone has some sort of freaky thing about them, too. Most people are just trying to hide it, so you might not notice it, but it's there. So the question becomes: Why shouldn't I have these conditions? All of these differences and frustrations are just a regular part of the human experience. Each of us has to do the best we can with what we've got to work with!

So, chin up! :)


New member

This is a conditon I don't wish no one to have. It prevents me from doing a lot of things and just being me. I use hydrosal gel and it helps, but it does not stop the sweat completely. I know there is a cure out there, but the world is all about money, money, money. I plan to use the iontopheresis to see how it works.


Well-known member
but please, never ever let hh stop you from doing what you love to do, no matter how much you'll sweat/think you'll feel out of place. facing your fears will eventually make you stronger than it, even with sweat. take care

Nicely put! I try to think like this and not let my HH get in the way of doing what I want to do. It's hard to pull through sometimes and make yourself do something out of your comfort zone but if you dont try then you'll never achieve anything - you only get one life you gotta go for it even if the thought makes your anxiety levels go through the roof..im going through this atm (job wise) and its not a nice feeling but im looking for ways to cope, If I dont do it now I never will and I dont want to live with 'what if's'


New member
Yeah it's really insane. I get the sweaty hands to also to the point of dripping.

My cure is Ditropan. But I have to take like 20mg at once, and the side effects can be pretty intense. I think it's worth it though. I use lots of Visine for my eyes.

The standard 5mg-10mg does has no effect on me. With a 20mg dose, my hands are completely dry. It's almost like a weird curse has been lifted.

One poster on this forum Pedro, combines Robinul with a fairly large dose of Probanthine.

*The thing I hate the most is that most people look at you weird when you shake their hands, and job interviews are really frustrating.
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Well-known member
job interviews are the worst, the last one I went for I got though, even with 2 sweaty handshakes and I mean they were at their worst!!!! I just made sure everything else was composed and most of all to smile! - and show I really wanted the job. I think this made them forget the shake and concentrate on what I was really there for lol :)