I can never ''accept'' this.


New member
I can't accept it at all. Im 23 now and was completely housebound from 15yrs to 20. Then with the help of meds I managed to force myself to go out and then eventually go to college. It was hard to just get on a bus once a week but there were seconds when I felt alive and a part of the world again. Now I am more or less housbound again and I can't accept that I will never feel that alive again because of this stupid, irrational fear.
My doctor keeps telling me it's an adolescent thing... he even admitted to having it.. he said it easies as u mature and that u can never get completely rid of it, but u do mostly... now im a hardcore perfectionist so...im even more ****ed up:p
You shouldn`t see acceptance from a logical point of view since SAD is not rational either. If you want solve an irrational problem with rational approach you just make yourself up to disappointment and failure. You should see acceptance as a way to feel and get better as the more you strugle and resist the worse your anxiety gets...