I believe that i am shizoid


Well-known member
I have come to realise that i actually hate having people around me, which has lead me to believe that i am shizoid. For example for the past two days now at work i have been avoiding talking to people at work unless i have to, spend break times in my car, make little eye contact and instead look down, and generally i can't stand having people around me because they go on my nerves, and i hate people touching me. I feel cold and emotionless, and even people i work with who i usually get along with go on my nerves; I feel like telling people to FUCK OFF!

I often get days like this, and i hate feeling this way.


Well-known member
I don't know much about shizoid...never heard of it until now. Your symptoms sound like mine when I get extremely depressed. Could that be it?

I was very irritable, impatient, (still anti-social) and not aware of things going on around me. I was like a zombie.


Well-known member
Its more likely just to be frustration from your phobia or something as little as not getting enough sleep. Also it could be bipolar at work but i don't know much about it.


Active member
im assuming you mean skitziod personalty disorder? by the sounds of it really doubt u have this disorder. you would not have 'odd' days like this, it would be ur daily pattern. plus they do not desire social relationships, so if u had it, u wouldnt see your social anxiety as a problem.

personality disorder symptoms dont 'flare' up, like they not ok one minute and not the next, like any personality are innate traits.

Inless you have delusion or illsusions or 'magical thinking' then we can talk about schizotipical personality disorder. :wink:


schizoid and sp have distinct symptoms, i'm sure you don't fit the profile of a schizoid. personally, i think you are resigning yourself to the SP.


Active member
Sounds like depression/SP. Btw, I hate being touched, too. My wife has had a hard time coming to terms with that, although I'm trying to get better for her sake.

I've often felt annoyed/irritated by people in general. I'm quite sure it has to do with the SP. I mean, I think there's a degree to which social phobics blame other people for their disorder. It makes sense afterall; it's human nature. People like to blame their problems on others--my psych prof even said it was healthy human behavior, which might be kind of a stretch, but that doesn't change the fact that most of us do it. Sometimes you just get fed up with your SP and want to say, "It's not me, it's you." So yeah, I've wanted to tell co-workers and classmates, etc. to eff-off on numerous occasions. Also, you need to think about the fact that SPs aren't really able to assert themselves properly or speak their mind. That might be contributing to your animosity...wanting to tell someone what you really think of them and not being able to. Meanwhile, you keep bottling up the feelings and the pressure builds.

Lastly, if you're like me...there's also the jealousy. Lol.


Well-known member
Generical said:
Its more likely just to be frustration from your phobia or something as little as not getting enough sleep. Also it could be bipolar at work but i don't know much about it.

Sometimes i am convinced that i am bipolar because my mood can change in a split secon; Hyperactive and elated and then i can be withdrawn.


Well-known member
nhen said:
Sounds like depression/SP. Btw, I hate being touched, too. My wife has had a hard time coming to terms with that, although I'm trying to get better for her sake.

I've often felt annoyed/irritated by people in general. I'm quite sure it has to do with the SP. I mean, I think there's a degree to which social phobics blame other people for their disorder. It makes sense afterall; it's human nature. People like to blame their problems on others--my psych prof even said it was healthy human behavior, which might be kind of a stretch, but that doesn't change the fact that most of us do it. Sometimes you just get fed up with your SP and want to say, "It's not me, it's you." So yeah, I've wanted to tell co-workers and classmates, etc. to eff-off on numerous occasions. Also, you need to think about the fact that SPs aren't really able to assert themselves properly or speak their mind. That might be contributing to your animosity...wanting to tell someone what you really think of them and not being able to. Meanwhile, you keep bottling up the feelings and the pressure builds.

Lastly, if you're like me...there's also the jealousy. Lol.

That's right, i have zero assertion, i'm just afraid of getting on the wrong side of people so i bottle up my anger and i get withdrawn. A lot of the people i work with have explosive anger but they seem happier in the long run. An i am also a jealous person.


Well-known member
I have a lot of days that absolutely everyone gets on my nerves. They talk about the stupidest things (mostly gossip)/complain too much about stuff that doesn't matter. I just think I'm most definitely NOT a "people-person!" A lot of the time I would rather be on my own than make small-talk with people. When I'm stuck with certain people all day and can't get away from them telling me about their life or random things going on with them, (that I honestly don't care about) I fake smile so much throughout the day that my cheeks literally hurt and I'm truly exhausted from trying to pay attention. It's actually pretty pathetic! I know I sound like a total b*tch but that's how I feel. :(


Well-known member
recluse said:
I have come to realise that i actually hate having people around me, which has lead me to believe that i am shizoid. For example for the past two days now at work i have been avoiding talking to people at work unless i have to, spend break times in my car, make little eye contact and instead look down, and generally i can't stand having people around me because they go on my nerves, and i hate people touching me. I feel cold and emotionless, and even people i work with who i usually get along with go on my nerves; I feel like telling people to FUCK OFF!

I often get days like this, and i hate feeling this way.

In my science book it is said that shizoid is a what becomes of a shizophrenic persona, while rotating ins space around it's Z-axis.

Try making some piruette and tell us what happens.


Active member
recluse said:
Generical said:
Its more likely just to be frustration from your phobia or something as little as not getting enough sleep. Also it could be bipolar at work but i don't know much about it.

Sometimes i am convinced that i am bipolar because my mood can change in a split secon; Hyperactive and elated and then i can be withdrawn.

I convinced myself that I was bipolar and tried unsuccessfully to convince my psychiatrist. Fortunately, he didn't take the bait. I have a lot of mood swings and neurosis, but in my experience, it's positively correlated to periods of overwhelming stress due to my social anxiety. Thus, my SP is triggering some tendencies (which, as it happens, are not technically bipolar, according to my psychiatrist, but significant, nonetheless), but ultimately, the only thing I really have to the extent that it incapacitates me is the SP. I guess I should feel lucky.

AsHLeY said:
I have a lot of days that absolutely everyone gets on my nerves. They talk about the stupidest things (mostly gossip)/complain too much about stuff that doesn't matter. I just think I'm most definitely NOT a "people-person!" A lot of the time I would rather be on my own than make small-talk with people. When I'm stuck with certain people all day and can't get away from them telling me about their life or random things going on with them, (that I honestly don't care about) I fake smile so much throughout the day that my cheeks literally hurt and I'm truly exhausted from trying to pay attention. It's actually pretty pathetic! I know I sound like a total b*tch but that's how I feel. :(

From Wikipedia:

"Recent studies have also shown that a subject with social anxiety might find their average peers to be ignorant, immoral, shallow, and/or mean."

I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when I read that. There are so many instances here of people who feel that way. Sorry to put the spotlight on you, AsHLeY. We're all so laughably tragic is all.


Well-known member
Too many people mistake schizoid and schizotypal.

The schizotypal avoids out of fear. The schizoid avoids out of true lack of interest.

Now of course you can rationalize in your head and say you don't care (aka schizoid), but if you're here my bet is that whatever avoidance you display is due to anxiety. :wink: