I Am Stupid Loser

Hang in there man! One of my friends is 32 and a virgin and a diabetic and now due to a car accident he has no car and a broken wrist on top of that. And after his hospital stay due to the accident he was evicted from his house for being in the hospital and not being able to pay his rent. That was 2 months ago. Now he has another place, just got another car, and of all things a girlfriend. Don't give up! I say it's never too late to change things in life and I honestly believe it. Give yourself a break, take a step back and regroup. Get a plan on what you need to do and stick with it. There's a great big beautiful world out there dude and it's just waiting on you to grab hold for the ride!


Well-known member
1. Get a job.
2. Defy your parents.
3. Drink Muscle Milk
4. Do whatever the **** you want!


Well-known member
we're all ****ing losers the thing that makes us more of a loser is that we suck at life. but no worries just keep on living and sooner or later things WILL get better..........hopfully.