JIM, to be honest...stick with people you can meet in a short drive, walk or by taking a bus. The internet and its chatrooms are full of shitty people. There are a lot of lying and very deceitful people in this world, and many of them join chatrooms to hook up for one nighters and many are married or attatched to someone. I understand some people have met and fell in love with a person online , which eventually led to married bliss . It is the exception. There are a lot of people who will con you online, especially in chatrooms. Many post a fake photo of themselves, perhaps a ''good looking'' person, and you might never know their real name or place, proffesion, etc. I too had on 2 seperate occasions, been fooled big time by 2 women. They didnt rob me of money, but they did rob me of my personal time--which if i knew the truth..i would of never spent a second on them. One flew to stay with me for a week...which turned out to be a place to hang out and party with her girlfriends (while she chatted online with her boyfriend back home in their city.). The other one had me chatting with her for over a year..with a fake name, fake age , fake family. I finally found out the truth and she told me she was a middle aged divorcee with 3 small kids. I met her anyways (i was curious, all romantic interest was dead once the truth came out), and she was a chain smoking , fat short little sack of crap.

Made the best out of the situation and pretended to like her, which got me a free place to crash when i visited her( didnt touch the little troll...just thought i'd give back some of her own shitty medicine). After that stupidity was done and over, i permanentley gave up chatrooms. You should know, i talked to a lot of people i made online friernds with in some of these chatrooms...and the things they told me were just so amazing. Many were married, screwing on the side--many had mental problems, many were backstabbers, quite a few were willing to travel and did--to far off cities in order to meet and screw( in secret...while married with kids at home). I am not trying to piss on your parade, i truly want you to avoid the heartache of what you will find online...lots of deceit. JIM...stick with improving your mental health...stick to real people you can touch and maybe meet in person...please dont waste your life on ''a pretty photo of a girl i met in chat''. :wink: Trust me my friend, or learn it the hard way.